The former Minister of Economy also spoke about the Frente de Todos and the current situation: “There is high inflation and we are going to live with it,” he said

For iProfessional

01/13/2023 – 8:10 p.m.

In a public reappearance after two months of silence, former Economy Minister Martín Guzmán said that there is “high inflation” and that surely the country will “live with it” for a while.

Guzmán criticized the sectors of the Frente de Todos and Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner for not accompanying the management and pointing him out as responsible for the crisis: “In addition to advocating ignorance, it is unlikely that a figure like the vice president could believe something like that,” he complained.

The former official questioned Cristina Kirchner’s letter in which she spoke of fiscal adjustment: “You have to be respectful of the data, let’s read the data, there was no adjustment. Indeed there was a letter where an accusation was made of an adjustment that had not existed. Despite the fact that the State carried out a very expansive fiscal policy and that the economy grew a lot, we had sectors that suffered the consequences of the sanitary restrictions,” he indicated.

“Of the 45 billion dollars that the previous government had taken, they told you: ‘OK, here it is, you have another 45 billion and we’ll see you in September 2026, after four and a half years we’ll start paying,'” he said. , and I add: “That in addition to apologizing ignorance, it is unlikely that a figure like the vice president could believe something like that. I marked this very clearly.”

How Guzmán sees the economic situation

But he estimated that the economic situation is going to “be better” in any case, due to the political commitment that there is currently in the ruling party with Sergio Massa’s economic program, and he said that this is the key for it to work.

“There is high inflation and we are going to live with that. The recovery of activity is going to be less strong, the recovery of employment is going to be less strong, but with respect to the alternative… it was basically a feat to carry out the policy economy… this is going to be better”, said Guzmán in dialogue with the journalist Diego Genoud, in “Fuera de Tiempo”.

Martín Guzmán was critical of Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

Guzman said that does not believe in the apocalyptic predictions about the future of the Argentine economy. And that he doesn’t believe in magical solutions either. “When someone raises scenarios of great alerts and great destabilization, I don’t see it, but it doesn’t mean that there is a rapid reordering either.”

What is the key to the current economic program

For the ex-minister, who gave his first interview in almost two months, the main key to the current economic program is his political “bank”. “The economy does not work in a vacuumIt works in a context of power relations, in a political context,” he said.

In this sense, he explained: “There is a difference today in relation to when I was in the Ministry, and that is that now there is political support for the economic program, and that is valid. In fact, that was the main factor that destabilized the economic programming during our last part. The messages have changed. And what today is said to be done, will be able to be implemented“.

“Now, from there to saying that imbalances can be sorted quickly, there is a certain distance. Sorting accounts is important, but there are more structural problems, which have a very important way to go,” he said.


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