Master Trick 3 |  Jesse Eisenberg is eager to start filming

The actor Jesse Eisenbergo J. Daniel Atlas from the Trick of the Master franchise, revealed in a recent interview that he is eager to start filming the third film.

In interview Collider, Eisenberg spoke a little about his career preferences, highlighting that playing a performance artist, like the magician J. Daniel Atlasthe closest he can get to so-called method acting.

Check out what Jesse Eisenberg stated below:

I discovered that I don’t like actively pursuing what is called method acting, where you treat the circumstances (of filming) almost as reality, explained Eisenberg. I discovered that few actors do this, or some do it performatively, but in a way that doesn’t seem exactly real.

For me, doing these movies, Mastermind, more than anything, is the furthest I’ll go in terms of feeling like the character, because I’m a real performance artist, that’s my job, and the character is also an artist.

That’s why I love (the franchise) so much, and I’m so desperate to make a third film. like it was the only time I could lower my dose of antidepressant, because I feel so at ease and comfortable with myself as an artist, because the character (too). So, in a way, the way I would describe method acting would be almost the opposite: the character is making you feel something about yourself. “

Read more about Master Trick:

With just two films, the franchise Master trick has already raised US$685 million around the world, and hasJesse Eisenberg,Dave Franco, Mark Ruffalo,Michael Caine,Morgan FreemaneWoody Harrelsonin the main roles.

In the original’s plot, a group of illusionists enchant the public with their magic and also rob banks on another continent, distributing the amount to the spectators themselves.

FBI agent Dylan Hobbs is determined to capture them and has the help of Alma Vargas, an Interpol detective, and also Thaddeus Bradley, a veteran magic debunker who insists that the heists are carried out through disguises and games. involving videos.

Tarun Kumar

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