Mbapp is already planning his life in Madrid

Mbapp wants to live in La Moraleja, not in La Finca. He has already decided on that dilemma that the big stars face every time they land in the capital of Spain. The two luxury residential spaces that celebrities share in abundance; although there are always exceptions, like Nacho, whose roots are so attached to his native Alcal de Henares, that he prefers that simple happiness to luxury. My teammates find it strange that I live in Alcalá, because that’s not where soccer players usually live! he jokes.

MBA has already made a decision: he wants to live in The morale. Advised by his closest circle, AS can confirm that he has been managing what is going to be his life in Madrid for a few weeks. His good relationship with Sergio Ramos He is serving as an advisor on some issues. Mbapp has preferred to live in La Moraleja for two reasons. First, the one nearby with Valdebebas. Although the trip from there is only 15 minutes, those who live in La Finca have to go around the urban center and leave for approximately 35 minutes.

A hobby: golf

But there is another reason: The golf. And Kylian is passionate about this sport, to the point of having already started procedures to become a member of Club La Moraleja. The proximity to the scene of what aims to be, if not the main one, one of his greatest hobbies has also rowed in favor of that urbanization. From there, look for a house, which is not entirely simple, since it usually requires the purchase of someone else’s (empty properties are very scarce in that area).


Course 3, Signature Jack Nicklaus, from Club La Moraleja.Club La Moraleja

The solution to this dilemma, as this newspaper has learned, is approaching one of Sergio Ramos’s houses, who has -at least- two in said location. Mbapp plans to acquire it, living in the same home that once belonged to Ronaldo Nazrio. His signing for Madrid will be a fact in a matter of weeks (the announcement is expected between Wembley and the Euro Cup), so Kylian is already taking steps towards outlining his landing in Madrid. With respect to languagethere will be no problems: He has been showing for years that, to the surprise of many, he is fluent in Spanish.. And as Mbapp said after winning his last title with PSG by beating Lyon in the Cup: What awaits me is going to be fantastic…. Hot, hot.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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