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The magazine C media returns to France 5 this Sunday, September 17 at 1:30 p.m. For its second season on air, the magazine is offering a new format, with new columnists.

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Mélanie Taravant returns to France 5. This Sunday, September 17 from 1:30 p.m., the journalist will take control of the second season of Cmedia, weekly show focused on media news, whether television, radio or platforms. And for the occasion, this production signed Jara&Co/Jara Presse completely revises its copy with a new formula. On the program, new columnists who will take turns around the table, but also a new meeting.

C media : here are the names of Mélanie Taravant’s new columnists on France 5 from Sunday September 17

As for columnists, Mélanie Taravant will welcome Thierry Moreau this season. The old face of Do not touch My TV on C8 is also a recurring face of the show Estelle noon, on RMC Story with Estelle Denis. It will also be necessary to take into account the presence depending on the week of Lise Pressac (ex-journalist on Europe 1), Benoît Daragon (The Parisian), Cyril Lacarrière (who is the media editor and editor-in-chief of Zoom Zoom Zen with Matthieu Noël on France Inter) and finally François Saltiel (producer on France Culture).

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C media launches a new section on the world of communication with Franck Louvrier and Gaspard Gantzer

From this Sunday, France 5 viewers will be entitled to a new section called It’s all common. The principle ? A deciphering of political press conferences or communication operations by specialists in the genre. No less than three duos will be there alternately. With two former advisors to Presidents of the Republic, namely Franck Louvrier (Nicolas Sarkozy) and Gaspard Gantzer (François Hollande) but also Charlotte Chaffanjon of Release and Aurélie Herbemont from France Info and finally the essayist Raphaël Enthoven and the journalist from Le Figaro Alexandre Devecchio.

Who is the guest of the first issue of C media this Sunday on France 5?

In an interview given at the beginning of the year to Tele-LeisureMélanie Taravant assured that she had complete freedom of tone in the media: “France Télévisions has never called us to prohibit us from covering a subject“. And the journalist clarified: “Our roadmap is to deal with all the subjects that cross our media society“. The guest of the September 17 back-to-school issue will be the host and producer Cyril Hanouna.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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