Mediaset also dismisses Nuria Marn at Socialit

On December 31, the contractual relationship between Mediaset España and La Fbrica de la Tele will come to an end. A break with which The production company led by Adrin Madrid and Scar Cornejo will put an end to sixteen years of success with formats such as TNT, Hormigas Blancas, Slvame or Deluxe, among others. It’s all a lie, Chester and Socialit, the only three programs from this company that are still broadcast, will continue on Telecinco and Cuatro during 2024, although with other products.

While Everything is a Lie and Chester will remain under the hand of Risto Mejide, who will create a production company with which he will take charge of these two formats, Socialit will become part of the portfolio of Fnix Media Audiovisual, Christian Glvez’s company. In this new adventure, the space on Saturdays and Sundays in Telecinco will no longer have its star presenters: María Patio and Nuria Marn.

To both journalists They were informed this Friday that they will no longer be part of the program and that their work as hosts of Socialit will end this year. It should be remembered that both María Patio and Nuria Marn have a contract with La Fbrica de la Tele and not with Mediaset. Although the group could have acquired their services, they have preferred not to do so since, according to them, the profiles of these two television stations do not fit with the company’s current editorial line.

After hearing the news, both María Patio and Nuria Marín have not hesitated to speak out through social networks where they are thanking all the expressions of affection. The first to do so was Slvame’s former collaborator: My dismissal has been published with lightning speed. We are proud that the network continues to support the format and the team. I never considered it a small program and clearly it was not.

Nuria Marn’s future away from Telecinco

For her part, Nuria Marn expresses: lately I have learned so many things… And I am very proud of the path I have traveled. It could be a difficult day, but I just want to say thank you for everything, smile and look to the future.. The former presenter of Cazamariposas says goodbye to Telecinco and launches a new project on the regional television of Catalonia.

Catalan now He has been working on Love Cost for several weeks, a new dating show that will soon be broadcast on TV3. A format in which Nuria Marn feels very comfortable and where she exudes great naturalness. In addition, she collaborates weekly in another space in the house: Est passant.

Mara Verdoy, new presenter of Socialit’

The Mediaset program will have a new face starting in January. The chosen one? María Verdoy, a regular on the new Telecinco, which has a much less controversial profile and is totally removed from the Slvame Universe. Just what they asked for from the Fuencarral company. The Valencian has an extensive career in the media. His debut on the network came from the hand of Cazamariposas, the defunct Divinity program where she served as a reporter for six years. She also co-presented Viva la vida, It’s Already Noon and Summer Party in the Summer Season.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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