Emma Watson talks about her departure from Hollywood: She wouldn't change it for anything

Emma Watson knows the universe very well Hollywood and the two faces it has. She was part of the industry since she was just a child and rose to fame with the role of Hermione Granger in the famous film saga of Harry Potterinspired by the novels of JK Rowling.

Now, the actress remains away from the cameras and spotlights, going through a time of many changes at 33 years old, especially as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. A series of changes that she has spoken about in a report for Vogue magazine, where she assures that she has not stopped wondering: What is happening to me?

Among those changes is her departure from Hollywood, a world in which she felt trapped, having made her last film in 2019, with Little Women. Since I’m in a career that moves so fast, The decision to take some time felt like a huge decision.he began by explaining.

For the actress, returning to the University of Oxford to be on the other side of the cameras was initially something scary, because I only knew what the world of acting is like: Wanting to go back and write, and study, and get behind the camera was terrifying for me because I had never done it before. I had always been in front of the camera, I have always been an actress.

Happy after leaving Hollywood

A difficult step, that of leaving Hollywood behind, which he managed to take, and which he does not regret: I am simply very glad to have done it, because Now I have this feeling of having my own voice and creative space and being empowered in a way that I don’t think I’ve ever known before, more autonomy.. I’m so glad I let everything be chaos for a while and truly allowed myself to not know what was going to happen, because what I know now, I wouldn’t change it for anything.

I have a front row seat with some of the most successful, beautiful and incredible people in the world. AND When you have that place, it becomes very very clear to you that there is absolutely no level of success that will make you happy. or satisfied if you don’t like who you are or you don’t enjoy what you do when no one is looking, she added.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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