Message from Arturo Sandoval to the Cuban people: “Do not be afraid”

The Cuban trumpeter Arturo Sandoval He asked Cubans not to feel afraid and to continue fighting in the streets of Cuba for freedom.

His statements come after several peaceful protests took place in Cuba, on Sunday and Monday, in cities such as Santiago, Bayamo and Cárdenas.

“Cuba has been suffering from a dictatorship for more than 65 years. It is horrible and oppresses the people to the last. The demonstrations give us hope that not everything is lost. The people of Cuba are reacting and this is the only way to to be able to go out,” said the musician.

Sandoval asked that the protests continue and that the people join in the fight. “Do not give up, this could be the opportunity to overthrow the oppressive regime that subjugates the country,” he said.

Las March 17 protests They began in the city of Santiago de Cuba, where the people came out to demonstrate against the regime, due to food shortages and continuous blackouts of up to 18 hours each day.

The Cuban government said that these demonstrations have been peaceful and that the authorities managed to dialogue with the people. However, on Monday protests continued in towns such as Copperwhere residents took to the streets to demand the release of young people detained on Sunday.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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