Once the Metro personnel descended on the tracks, the service was restored and the march is continuous.

An umbrella on the tracks caused damage to Line 2 of the Metro

Due to the rain that is recorded in various areas of the capital, at the station Vulgar of Line 2, a burst because a wet umbrella fell on the tracks.

The incident caused the service of Line 2 Taxqueña – Cuatro Caminos to be temporarily suspended to remove the metallic object.

They removed a metallic object in Chabacano, which interrupted the L2 service (Twitter/ @Lucero_Erandi)

More delays in the Metro service due to rain in a large part of Mexico City.

“It rains in the city, the progress of the trains is slow on lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and B. Take forecasts,” he wrote on Twitter.

It started raining in CDMX

Due to the precipitation in some areas of the capital, the metro began slow running on Lines 2, 3, 5 and 9

metro rain - metro service today May 11
Slow march began due to rain (Twitter/ @MetroCDMX)

By weather forecast and chances of rain In different regions of CDMX, the subway service warned users that the speed of the trains could be reduced for the safety of passengers.

He asked to keep an eye on weather updates and consider travel times.

“According to the weather forecast in the city, this evening there is a chance of rain. For safety reasons, the speed of the trains in the network is reduced. Take forecasts, ”she wrote on Twitter.


Line 9 that runs from Pantitlan – Tacubaya It has a high influx of passengers.

From the morning and throughout the afternoon, the users of this route have reported a large number of passengers despite the fact that the crowded hours on the route have already passed.

Pantitlán is the one with a high influx of passengers.

Metro cdmx (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Metro cdmx (Photo: Cuartoscuro) (Daniel Augusto /)

Saturation is maintained in some stations of the Lines 3 and 8. Due to the situation, the authorities maintain dosing work (access closure) intermittently to allow the relief of the stations.

(Photo: Special/ Twitter)
(Photo: Special/ Twitter)

Lines 3 and 8 already present saturation. In the case of the first station Green Indians It is one of the most in demand. Meanwhile, on Line 8, more than 15 minutes of waiting on platforms were reported.

(Photo: Special)
(Photo: Special)

Passengers on Line 3 (Indios Verdes – Universidad) denounced via Twitter that the movement of trains was slow, because at the station Sports March 18 users had to wait more than 10 minutes due to the arrival of a convoy headed for the University.

Some people even exposed the low speed with which the trains advanced.

The first citizen reports of setbacks in the operation of the Metro occurred in the line 6 (El Rosario – Martín Carrera), since they accused that the trains took up to 18 minutes to pass.

The Metro Collective Transportation System (STC) began operations on all lines, with no problems reported during the first minutes of service.


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