Mexico continues with repatriation flights for Venezuelans

CARACAS_ A group of 122 Venezuelans arrived in Caracas on a second repatriation flight from Mexico after the agreement reached this week by the authorities of both countries to reactivate the returns of migrants.

With those on this flight there are now 329 Venezuelans who have been repatriated from Mexico in the last few hours, part of a bilateral cooperation agreement that seeks to confront the avalanche of migrants that keeps that country’s border saturated with USA.

Repatriated Venezuelans

The director of the Administrative Service of Identification, Migration and Immigration of Venezuela, Gustavo Vizcaíno, announced from the Simón Bolívar international airport in Maiquetía that on Saturday a second group of 122 Venezuelans from Mexico arrived at that terminal on a state airline flight. Conviasa.

A first group of 207 Venezuelans arrived in Caracas early Saturday morning on a “voluntary return flight,” part of the agreement with Mexico and within the framework of the state program “Vuelta a la Patria,” Vizcaíno told Venezuelan state television station Television.

Nicolás Maduro activated this program in 2018 to repatriate thousands of Venezuelans who left the South American country in order to flee the economic and social crisis it faces.

The reactivation of repatriations occurs at a time when theMexican authorities assure that at least 10,000 migrants are arriving daily at the border between the United States and Mexico, many of them asylum seekers.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico reported in a statement on Saturday that together with Venezuela they began the repatriations with a flight on Friday and a second on Saturday.

The Mexican government said it had previously carried out a repatriation flight to Caracas on January 20 with 110 people.

As migration has skyrocketed in recent years, the US has pressured Latin American nations to control the movement of migrants north, but many transit countries have struggled to cope with the large numbers arriving. to travel.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other officials from President Joe Biden’s government met this week in Mexico City with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to talk about the immigration problem.

The meeting took place after a phone call that Biden made to López Obrador on December 20 in order to express his concern about the growing migratory flow.

Source: AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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