The Truth News bring you the best horoscopes and predictions of the most famous astrologer in Mexico, Mhoni Seer, in this special day. Start with the best attitude this Thursday, April 27, 2023.

What does my Aries sign say (March 21 – April 19)

You will feel downright tired of always having to go against the current. Don’t let frustration win the battle. Learn to dialogue with your partner. Communication is the foundation of any relationship. Silence will only drive you further and further away from her. You will wake up with the feeling that your professional life is not meeting your expectations. It is not too late to change.

Seer’s Council: Do not hesitate to seek the comfort and support that only your closest loved ones can provide you when you are having a bad time.

What does my Taurus sign say (April 20 – May 20)

You should try to change certain attitudes of the couple that do not contribute anything positive to the relationship. Put yourself under the magnifying glass. Don’t try to conceptualize or rationalize feelings or their impact on your life. Love is not a rational feeling. Don’t underestimate the power of having the right allies. These can open doors for you that would otherwise remain closed.

Tip of the day The important thing is to keep in constant movement, beyond the amount of results you get. Breaking the inertia is always difficult.

What does my Gemini sign say (May 21 – June 20)

Day of underlying tensions on an emotional level. Don’t put yourself in situations where you can’t get out without hurting the other. Fights and disagreements are part of any relationship. The important thing is knowing how to carry them forward with all the love possible. You will have to redistribute your schedules due to delays that you will encounter during the day today. do not despair

Seer’s Council: Happiness is a sum of multiple factors rather than a state that can be reached. It’s up to you to find it or let it pass you by.

What does my Cancer sign say (June 21 – July 22)

The fact of worrying only about your needs is beginning to corrode the loving bonds with those around you. There is nothing weak in sentimentality. You must give your feelings their place if you do not want a life of solitude. You will have a working day without major shocks today. New investment ideas are on your mind.

Seer’s Council: Put aside all kinds of insecurities when it comes to the conquest of the loved one. Trust fully in your seduction skills.

What does my Leo sign say (July 23 – August 22)

Do not expose your partner to a family gathering with the tense environment that they are currently experiencing. Avoid at all costs. You will have a very positive day on a sentimental level in the couple today. Joy and understanding will have come home. You will pay for your excess of confidence with troubles to live today. Don’t let it happen to you again.

Seer’s Tip: You cannot pretend to have a coexistence totally free of inconveniences or discussions, this is impossible. Worry about how you handle them.

What does my Virgo sign say (August 23 – September 22)

You will have to face serious delays during the day today due to situations entirely out of your control. The characteristics that at one point made you fall in love with your current partner have become a problem. Try to talk to her. May your modest advances not lead you to despair. Everything that is worth takes a gestation time. Patience.

Tip of the day: Take advantage of every opportunity you have to feed your confidence and self-esteem when it comes to conquest. Make sure you don’t break hearts.

What does my Libra sign say (September 23 – October 22)

Day of successes in the workplace and revelations in the emotional field. Special for introspection and self-criticism. You will spend a day of good times with your partner. This will serve to improve the relationship greatly. It will give you work to get back to your usual work rhythm after a long period of inactivity. Go step by step.

Tip of the day: It is always difficult to be different from others. Do not intend to give up your personality just to please those around you.

What does my Scorpio sign say (October 23 – November 21)

The clock will be behind you following your step throughout the day. You will have to rethink your obligations or you will fail. Learn to participate in the achievements and vicissitudes of your partner as if they were your own. This will bring you even closer. You will be completely lacking in creativity during today’s session. Don’t give way to despair, be patient.

Seer’s Tip: Little by little you will be able to realize that certain feelings are not completely absent, only overshadowed by the worries of daily life.

What does my Sagittarius sign say (November 22 – December 21)

The tense situations that you will have to experience today will not help your already deteriorated state of mind. do not despair Life will not always smile on you when it comes to casual relationships. Consider a long-term one. Do not allow feelings to cloud your judgment when making decisions in your work environment.

Tip of the day Stay calm in the face of the discussions that you have to live in your family environment. Think twice before letting out words of contempt.

What does my Capricorn sign say (December 22 – January 19)

Positive weekend for meetings with friends. Great ideas will assault you today. Don’t let them pass. Do not allow yourself to doubt your physical or mental qualities at the time of conquest. Let yourself go for the moment. That the fact of needing third parties to be able to solve your work problems does not become a bad habit in you.

Seer’s Council: Keep in mind that man is the master of his silences and the slave of his words. Once you have made the mistake of pronouncing them, you will be tied to them.

What does Aquarius say (January 20 – February 18)

You will reach a point in your life where loneliness will become an addiction for you. Don’t fall into a vicious circle. That the constant vicissitudes at the work level do not have so much emotional impact on the couple. Learn to put them aside. Do not get tired of trying if you think you are capable of achieving your goals. Use failure as a means to mature and learn.

Seer’s Council: Falling in love is the source of unspeakable feelings that will take you on a roller coaster of emotions. Don’t banish him from your life.

What does my Pisces sign say (February 19 – March 20)

The best way to get through certain setbacks in life is to keep your attention off the painful spot. Stay busy. Everything will conspire against your plans today. You will have to postpone all kinds of social outings. Redistribute your times. Distinguish each subordinate to your position in particular. This will allow you to take better advantage of his abilities.

Tip of the day: Remember that behind every triumph there is not only your sacrifice, but that of those people who surround you. Allow for humility.

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