Miami-Dade property appraiser a key choice amid housing crisis

Pedro Garcia, current county assessor, did not run for re-election after three consecutive terms. Zenteno challenged García in the 2020 elections, and although he achieved good numbers at the polls, he did not achieve his goal. Regalado was inclined to put his name forward for Miami mayor in next year’s election, but he reversed his decision late last year.

The assessor’s office is responsible for conducting appraisals to determine the value of properties in Miami-Dade and then calculating the taxes each owner must pay. Starting in 2025, when the new assessor takes office, this agency will be independent of the county mayor. Another change is that the position acquired a partisan character.

The race for that office has become a key point of interest amid the housing crisis rocking the county. Regalado, with his experience managing budgets as former Miami mayor, and Zenteno, with her knowledge as a private and public appraiser, face off at the polls with proposals to ease the burden of property taxes and provide solutions to homeowners of real estate.

“Voice of owners”

Regalado, a radio correspondent in Washington for many years, is also remembered for his time as municipal commissioner between 1996 and 2009 and later in his work as mayor of Miami for eight years (2009-2017).

In an interview with DIARIO LAS AMERICASthe journalist outlined his reasons for running for office and his proposals to alleviate the burden faced by property owners in the county, an issue that he considers crucial in the current economic context.

“I decided to run for two fundamental reasons,” Regalado said. “First, the current appraiser Pedro García, who has held the position for 14 years, decided not to run for re-election. We had conversations with him and he agreed for me to run for the position.”

“Second, the assessor position will be completely autonomous, separate from County government, and requires leadership with experience in administration, budgets and relationships with elected officials and state legislators,” he said.

For the former mayor, the housing crisis requires an appraiser who understands the needs of homeowners and who has the ability to negotiate legislative changes to alleviate the burden of taxes. In his words, “the importance of strong leadership in this position is crucial.”

Regalado presents himself as a “privileged” option for the position, highlighting his experience in budget management during his period as mayor of Miami.

“I have managed the City of Miami with more than 5,000 employees and a budget of almost 1 billion dollars for eight years. I have managed the City with responsibility and efficiency, and I am confident that I can apply that knowledge to the management of the assessor,” he said .

Additionally, he explained, “I have strong relationships with state and county legislators, which will allow me to advocate for proposals to reduce property taxes and negotiate with insurance companies that have withdrawn from the state, something that is greatly affecting consumers. owners”.

Reduce millage

Regalado considers reducing millage as a priority measure to alleviate the burden on owners. “The current assessor Pedro García has proposed a 3% reduction in property values, which I support. It is necessary to recognize that property values ​​have been increasing and that the current millage does not reflect the reality of the county “, he estimated.

The Republican candidate stated that, if he reaches the assessor’s office, he will seek the approval of a state law that allows the reduction of millage, with the aim of easing the tax burden for Miami-Dade property owners.

“It is a fair measure that will benefit everyone, especially long-time homeowners who have already paid off their homes and are facing high costs for taxes and insurance,” he added.


The former mayor does not evade the issue of the current situation with the construction of ‘efficiencies’, units attached to homes, a situation that has generated controversy in some Miami-Dade municipalities.

Although she recognizes that this matter involves her daughter, County Commissioner Raquel Regalado assures that it is an issue that must be addressed by the appraiser, as it is directly related to the housing crisis and the need to find solutions.

“I understand that local elected officials want to solve the problem of housing, high taxes and insurance. The property appraiser needs to be an important voice on this issue and work with the state association of appraisers to find solutions. We need to listen to the experts, analyze what type of relief this type of proposals can provide and work so that the owners have a little respite,” he noted.

Zenteno: “Experience and commitment”

For her part, Marisol Zenteno, with more than 25 years of experience as a private and public appraiser in Miami-Dade, maintained that she not only has extensive experience in appraisals, but also has a master’s degree in Public Administration.

As he told DIARIO LAS AMERICAShis main motivation for entering the electoral race is not “personal ambition,” but rather the “firm conviction” that the appraiser’s office needs a profound transformation.

“There is such an inefficient system of how we value properties, which are aspects that can be done better to help the taxpayer,” said Zenteno, who claims his goal is to “improve the lives of Miami-Dade residents.”

Zenteno considers that transparency and efficiency are two fundamental pillars that should guide the appraiser’s office. “There are a lot of people who come to the office because they don’t know how the system works and how certain exemptions can apply to them,” he said.

The lack of clarity in the processes and the difficulty in accessing information, from their point of view, generate “confusion and frustration” among taxpayers.

To combat these difficulties, Zenteno proposes to voters a more efficient local exemption system, where the process can be done more quickly and easily. “We must make exemptions more accessible and understandable to everyone,” he said.

Lower taxes

Another fundamental point in Zenteno’s vision is the need to reduce millage, an issue on which he agrees with his Republican rival, which directly affects the taxpayers’ pockets.

“The office does not set the taxes, we set the values, but the mayor’s office and the commission set the millage. We have to advocate for the taxpayer so that this is lowered further,” he explained.

Satellite workshops

Zenteno will also focus on the transparency of the office and making it more accessible to everyone, according to his statements.

In that sense, he raised the possibility of opening offices in different parts of the county so that taxpayers have easy access to information about assessments and exemptions.

“We need a person who is in charge, who goes to the churches, the community centers, the soup kitchens, so that people know that the office is there to serve them,” he said.


Her experience as an appraiser and her training in public administration have allowed her, as she commented, to identify the main deficiencies of the current system.

“I am also concerned that many people are not aware of the existence of the Valor Adjustment Board (VAB) where they can appeal appraisals that they consider incorrect. My goal is for the office to be more proactive in communicating the rights and resources available to the community,” he highlighted.

“In addition, fraud is often committed in the exemption system, for example, people who do not live on the properties and benefit from them. We must strengthen control measures to prevent this type of situation and ensure that resources are used appropriately. fair manner.”

Zenteno added that “we need a person who is in front, who goes to the churches, the community centers, the soup kitchens, so that people know that the office is there to serve them.”

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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