Michigan Supreme Court rejects appeal and keeps Trump on ballot

LANSING —The Michigan Supreme Court kept former President Donald Trump on the ballot of the primary elections in that state, in the face of unconstitutional attempts by far-left groups in the United States, as part of a fashionable ideological trend movement called “Woke.”

The Supreme Court state said this Wednesday that will not hear an appeal of the ruling of a lower court of groups seeking to prevent the 45th president of the United States Donald Trump, leading in all national polls, from appearing on the ballot.

The state’s highest court said in an order that the parties’ request to appeal a Dec. 14 Michigan appeals court ruling was considered but denied “because the issues presented will not be reviewed by this court.”

The ruling followed the Colorado Supreme Court’s Dec. 19 decision that uniquely declared Trump “ineligible” to be president for his alleged role in the massive Jan. 6, 2021, protest outside the Capitol.

These resources, a new strategy of the left in the states governed by Democrats to prevent Trump from reaching the White House, are based on the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, which says that officials (not President) who swear to support the Magna Carta They can be barred from holding future positions if “participation in an insurrection” is proven.

Manipulation for undemocratic purposes

This is the first time in history that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution is used to disqualify a presidential candidate and demonstrates the enormous political interest in getting Trump out of the way of Biden, who is going through the serious errors of his mandate – a growing disapproval of voters and the majority of Americans in all polls, unlike the solid growing support for the former Republican president.

Lower Michigan courts procedurally dismissed the case early in the process, which was upheld on appeal. This means that The question of whether or not Trump participated in the insurrection was never addressed..

Trump, the Republicans’ big favorite for 2024, celebrated Michigan’s decision and dismissed attempts to disqualify him from the race as “a pathetic maneuver to delay the election”.

The Michigan and Colorado cases are among Democratic-governed states seeking to keep Trump’s name off state ballots, without being sentenced to participate in any insurrection.

Part of the Democrats and the extreme left use the false legal argument, without any prior conviction by justice, that Trump participated in the protest demonstration on January 6 as a political manipulation. The desperate appeal represents a fraction of the actions against a President never seen in the nation’s history.

Democrats aligned with the so-called “progressives” (socialists) in the US are determined to destroy and destabilize the country a few months before the presidential elections in November 2024, a planned chain action that should be investigated by the Department of Justice of USA, under the power of Joe Biden and with liberal influences as Republican legislators in Congress in Washington have denounced.

They all point to an insurrection clause, which prevents anyone from holding office who “has participated in an insurrection or rebellion” against the Constitution, a statement that is falsely attributed to Trump with the sole interest of disqualifying him and creating possible damage. to prevent him from being re-elected President.

The desperation of the Democrats is increasingly evident.

The 45th president of the United States maintains a wide lead of more than 50 points in all surveys heading into the Republican primaries and more than 6 points over Joe Biden for the presidential elections in November 2024.

The undemocratic and unconstitutional actions of the New Democrats together with radical left-wing groups have been severely denounced by Republicans and defined as political electoral interference and extremely dangerous for American democracy.

Smear campaigns

Trump allegedly pressured two election officials in Wayne County, Michigan, not to certify vote totals from the 2020 election, according to a recording of a post-election phone call revealed in a report, these extremist groups say. on December 22 by The Detroit News.

Trump has been targeted smear campaigns by left-wing media inside and outside the US such as the famous Russian plotdenied after an investigation of almost four years by special prosecutor John Durham, whose conclusions are included in a report of more than 300 pages in which he severely criticizes the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for abiding by false speculation and undertaking a investigation against President Trump without real evidence.

Lawyers for Free Speech for People, a far-left partisan group directly involved in unconstitutional efforts to keep Trump’s name off the primary ballot in Minnesota, had asked the Michigan Supreme Court to rule before the day. of Christmas.

The haste and desperation of these groups, financed by radical politicians and donors who pressure them to act, has clear intentions of damaging the image of the former president and his family using the judicial system, also visibly permeated by the so-called “Woke” ideological trend. , now fashionable in the United States and promoted by socialists in the states governed by the new Democrats and in Congress in Washington.

The political group argued that time was “of the essence” due to “the pressing need to finalize and print ballots for the presidential primary.”

(email protected)

Source: AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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