As many of you already know, earlier this week it became common knowledge that Microsoft will radically cut back on its workforce. In total, it is almost five percent of the employees who will be forced to leave from March, which corresponds to around 10,000 people.

But in the wake of this, it has now also become known that Microsoft’s head honcho Satya Nadella enjoyed a ten percent pay rise compared to last year. Something that means he can now boast an annual salary equivalent to almost SEK 570 million.

Figures from Marketwatch shows that this is, on average, 289 times more than the average Microsoft worker, and the same pattern can be observed among several of Microsoft’s executives who command significantly higher salaries than the average employee. As an example, CFO Amy Hood earned SEK 260 million last year and Vice Chairman Bradford Smith took home a little more than SEK 230 million.

What are your thoughts on these huge salaries, especially in economically difficult times like these when ordinary employees are forced to leave many companies?

Rich as a troll!


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