World Bank endorses Milei economic reforms in Argentina

BUENOS AIRES.- The president of Argentina, Javier Miley this Friday he called socialism “satanic” and “carcinogenic”, on the first day of a visit to Spain in which he received a new attack from a member of the socialist government Pedro Sanchez.

“Let’s not let the dark, black, satanic, atrocious, horrible, carcinogenic side that is socialism, win over us”Milei said in a talk about his book “The Way of the Libertarian.”

During the conversation, the president inaugurated in December assured that his policies are channeling Argentina after “a decline of more than 100 years.”

Milei did not respond to Yolanda Díaz, second vice president of the Spanish governmentwho had criticized him shortly before.

“There are not many generators of hate, but they make an enormous noise and flood everything. Milei and other governments of hate return with cuts and authoritarianism,” the socialist Díaz reproached at an event at the Ministry of Labor, of which she is headline.

Díaz is the leader of Sumar, a radical left platform and junior partner in the government coalition with Pedro Sánchez’s socialists.

Milei visits Spain starting this Friday, without any scheduled meeting with King Felipe VI or Sánchez, in line with the coldness of current relations between the governments of both countries.

This is his first trip to Spain since he assumed the presidency in December, and this Saturday he will meet with businessmen. According to the Spanish press, senior managers from the banks Santander and BBVA, Telefónica and the airline Iberia, among others, will attend the meeting.

On Sunday he will be the star guest at a rally organized by the right-wing Spanish party Vox, led by Santiago Abascal, which will be attended by other relevant figures of this current and which has led to the call for protest demonstrations in Madrid during the end of week.

Surrounded by allies

Díaz’s statements come after the Spanish Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, made the “mistake” – according to his own later words of apology – of stating that Milei had ingested “substances” before a speech.

The Argentine government issued a harsh statement condemning these words and attacking Sánchez for putting “the middle class in danger with his socialist policies that only bring poverty and death.”

However, after Puente’s apology, the issue had been “settled” and “finished,” said Argentine presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni on May 6.

Where Milei will enjoy affection and admiration will be at the big Vox event on Sunday, which will also be attended by French politician Marine Le Pen and Chilean José Antonio Kast.

Named Europa Viva 24 and described by Vox as a “convention of European patriots” ahead of the European elections on the 9th, it will feature video interventions by the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, and her Hungarian counterpart, Viktor Orban.

Milei and Abascal boast good relations, and as soon as the Spanish politician announced on the social network FUCK…!!!”.

After Sunday’s event, Milei will return to Argentina.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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