Milei formalizes Argentina's refusal to join the BRICS group

BUENOS AIRES.- He president of Argentina, Javier Mileyformally informed his counterparts of the group of the BRICS that make up Brazil, Russia, India, China y South Africahis rejection of the country’s incorporation into this international forum.

The Government sent a letter to the presidents of each of the countries that make up the bloc to formalize its refusal to join the bloc.

The country’s accession to this group was due to an initiative by Milei’s predecessor, Alberto Fernández, who held a meeting in October with the president of the United States Development Bank. BRICSDilma Rousseff, where the entry of Argentina in the institution, whose entry was approved in August and was scheduled for January 1, 2024.

Now, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the new Argentine Government explains that “the imprint in matters of foreign policy (…) differs in many cases from that of the preceding Government” and, therefore, it proceeded to review ” some decisions taken by the previous administration”, among them the accession to the international forum.

Once the pertinent considerations have been made, the note states, the new Milei Government “does not consider it appropriate to incorporate the Argentine Republic into the BRICS as a full member as of January 1, 2024”, in line with what was already anticipated at the end of the month. passed by the now head of the Foreign Ministry, Diana Mondino, in line with the ultraliberal doctrine of the new president.

In fact, Milei already advanced in August that “(Argentina’s) geopolitical alignment is with the United States and Israel” and that he did not have the slightest intention of “aligning with communists,” although he clarified that “that does not mean that the private sector can market with whoever it wants.

However, the president stressed in the letters his willingness to continue maintaining commercial ties with the five members of the BRICS. “I wish to highlight my government’s commitment to intensifying bilateral ties with your country, particularly increasing trade and investment flows,” according to the letters.

“I wish to highlight the commitment of my government to the intensification of bilateral ties with your country, particularly the increase in trade and investment flows,” says each of the letters sent.

Milei’s chancellor, Diana Mondino, had also already announced, days after the economist’s victory in the second round of elections, that they see “no advantage” of Argentina joining the BRICS.

The BRICS group was created in 2008 and its name is the acronym of its founding countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, although the latter joined in 2010. The association represented the five most promising emerging national economies in the world. for the next 50 years.

Source: With information from Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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