Milei travels to the US in search of investments for Argentina

BUENOS AIRES — Argentine President Javier mercy leaves this Monday for the United States in search of investments of the technology sector, on his seventh trip abroad in almost six months of government and in a key week for the advancement of his reform package in Congress.

Milei travels accompanied by his Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, on this tour of Silicon Valley, in the San Francisco Bay area, where he will meet representatives of the main technology companies, including Open AI, Apple and Google.

The president will speak on Wednesday at Stanford University and will meet on Thursday with the CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg, as confirmed this Monday by the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni.

The trip is the fourth to the United States and the seventh on his international agenda that did not include meetings with heads of state or visits to neighboring countries.

His last trip to Madrid a few weeks ago unleashed the biggest diplomatic crisis with Spain, which decided to “definitively” withdraw its ambassador in Argentina, after Milei refused to apologize after referring to the wife of the head of the Spanish government, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, as a “corrupt woman” without clearly identifying her during a rally of the extreme right in that country. Sánchez’s wife is investigated for corruption and influence peddling in her husband’s government.

In El Salvador

On Friday, before returning to Argentina, Milei will attend the inauguration of President Nayib Bukele’s second term in El Salvador, re-elected last February.

Milei will be absent from Argentina in a key week in which the Senate can set a date for the debate on the reform package promoted by the Executive and which already has the approval of Deputies.

The difficult negotiations of the almost 300 articles included in the law and an accompanying tax reform package frustrated the government’s plans to have both initiatives approved before May 25, the date for which the president had called for the signing of a pact in Córdoba (center), which ended in a symbolic act.

The tour takes place amid rumors of the departure of the head of ministers, Nicolás Posse, and changes in the cabinet structure with the possible entry of economist Federico Sturzenegger, government advisor.

The Argentine president will travel to Madrid again on June 21 to receive an award from a liberal institute.

In mid-June Milei will attend the G7 meeting in Italy and on the 16th of that month he will participate in the peace summit called by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Lucerne, Switzerland.

Since taking office on December 10, Milei devalued the currency by 54% and applied a drastic economic adjustment with which it obtained a fiscal surplus in the first quarter.

It also slowed inflation from 25.5% in December (when it devalued the peso) to 8.8% in April.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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