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Miley Cyrus continues to open up about her career and personal life, including her relationship and marriage to actor Liam Hemsworth. In the most recent clip of his series “Used to Be Young” in TikTok, The pop star revealed when she realized her relationship with Hemsworth was over.

Miley Cyrus reveals the moment she found out her marriage was over

The singer said that she realized that her relationship with the actor had ended while headlining the 2019 Glastonbury Festival in England.

“Glastonbury was in June, which was when the decision was made that my and Liam’s engagement to actually get married came, of course, first from a place of love, because we’d been together for 10 years, but also from a place of trauma and trying to rebuild as quickly as possible”, explained.

At that time, the co-stars of “Last Song”, who got married in December 2018, suffered many losses after their beloved Malibu home caught fire in November 2018.

“The day of the show was the day I decided that being in that relationship was no longer going to work in my life,” Cyrus continued.

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Miley Cyrus, focused on her human part and not on work

The singer of “Flowers” She went on to explain how she forced herself to bury her emotions and act for the sake of her fans and how that perspective on her life has changed to focus more on her.

“That was another time where work, acting and character came first. And I guess that’s why it’s so important to me that it’s not like that anymore. Humanity comes first.” said.

In these clips from the series “Used to Be Young”Miley reviews several important moments in her career, such as working at Disney, her evolution in the music industry, as well as some parts of her personal life.

In an earlier clip, Cyrus also recalled the undeniable chemistry between her and Hemsworth. when they met on the set of “The Last Song” in 2009.

“I think one of the elements that made that movie seem so special was seeing two very young people fall in love, which happened in real time and in real life. “So the chemistry was undeniable and that was the start of a 10 year long relationship.“, said.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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