Word & picture publishing group – health reports

Baierbrunn (ots)

Hartmut Engler has big plans for spring: The Tour for the new PUR album – to prepare for it, the singer has a very special plan: a week therapeutic fasting and Exercise three to five times a week. In an interview with the current issue of the health magazine “Apotheken Umschau” Engler admits: wildly sprinting and jumping high are no longer part of the program for the 61-year-old. “For several years I have been accompanied by a physiotherapist. He actually takes care of me before and after the concert if there’s a pinch somewhere. For me it’s always the Move or the right one Knee. But he always gets me to have fun on stage at night.”

Hartmut Engler also deals with topics such as mindfulness and meditation: “If I can meditate and sit really still for 20 minutes, that’s great. I know the term ‘mindfulness’ gets on your nerves, but it’s a fantastic principle.”

The singer is convinced: Those who go through life mindfully see more, are not constantly busy with planning and processing, but in the here and now. He has an exercise that helps him to do this himself from the book “The Wise Heart” by Jack Kornfield: Get out of the house in the morning and do everything mindfully. “So I was careful at the hairdresser’s – I very carefully admired the ceiling and the color of the walls there. The same thing at the gas station. I carefully put the nozzle back on the gas pump, got into the car and drove off. And I was loud mindfulness forget to pay.”

You can read the entire interview in the current issue of Apotheken Umschau 3B/2023.

This report is only free for publication with a reference to the source. The health magazine “Apotheken Umschau” 3B/2023 is currently available in most pharmacies. There is much more interesting health news at as well as on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

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Original content from: Wort & Bild Verlagsgruppe – health reports, transmitted by news aktuell


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