Miss Dayana teaches her daughter to say mom but she opts for her dad

If there is something difficult for mothers to overcome, it is when their little daughter completely opts for the father, and that has precisely happened to Miss Dayana.

The Cuban singer published on the Instagram profile of Victoria a video of her most recent attempt to get her daughter to say mommy, but her efforts didn’t have the desired effect as the little girl kept saying daddy over and over again.

“My greetings and condolences to all those mothers whose children suffer from acute papitis,” wrote Miss Dayana in the description of the post.

In the images you can hear in the background Mario, the singer’s partnerencourage the girl to say daddy and even daddy.

The comments of the followers on Instagram did not wait and apparently there are many mothers in this situation: “I’m worse, mine says dad a thousand times and he tells me my name”; “That’s how it happened to me and now he doesn’t stop saying mom”; “This is mine, there is no remedy, we are screwed”; “And how he repeats it mercilessly”; “True that the daughters belong to the father.”

In another video in the stories section, Miss Dayana also uploaded the moment in which Victoria with her father’s shoes on and that they are huge on her tries to walk and even give a whole speech that surely only they understand.

Instagram Capture / Miss Victoria

This weekend the singer boasted of how much the girl has grown because she even knows how to eat alone, but the trail of food that she forms is tremendous.

Victoria is very close to turning one year and five months and her parents are more than happy to be able to enjoy every moment with her.

Her mom recently shared his first work of artnothing more and nothing less than on the wall of the house.


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