Mom's ashes, a work to embrace mothers in their month

With this proposal, the Spanish author Nuria Ferrer Muoz-Seca presents a tragicomedy in which the viewer goes through laughter, crying, tenderness or surprise, through current topics such as technology, social networks, the identity of gender and feminism, which – in the end – all lead to a main argument: highlighting the importance of the figure of the mother in all aspects of life.

Before the premiere of the second season, DIARIO LAS AMRICAS spoke with the director Carolina Laursen and the actresses Nuria Ferrer and Queca Gordillo, who also serve as writer and producer, respectively.

Given the success of the premiere in 2023, by registering solds outs (exhausted) What expectations do you have for this second season?

Queca Gordillo: The truth is that we are very excited about this second season because in the first we were in another theater.

For the first time we are going to perform at the Tower Theater and we love this area. We believe that due to the theme of the work, the touches of comedy it has and the type of audience that comes to this space, we have high expectations. We think that you will like it a lot and that it will do very well for us.

Is there anything new in this delivery?

Carolina Laursen: In the first season we were in the Koubek Center and now we changed to the Tower Theater, which has two rooms: a larger one and a smaller one, we are in the small one. The reality is that this room has many resources; so, we’re going to have some special effects that weren’t in the first season.

As for the staging, we changed the ending a little because with the first season we had the privilege of receiving the feedback (commentary) from the public and with this experience we asked ourselves: ‘what can we improve?’, so we gave it a twist at the end, added special effects and came up with all this.

For the writer, how do you describe the process of working with the rest of the team when having the opportunity to act?

Nuria Ferrer: I am delighted that PAFF (Primer Acto Florida Foundation), which is the Non-Profit of South Florida that we have, I always trusted my texts; they did it with the work The one that is going to be put together and now they do it with Mom’s ashes.

(Regarding the work with the team) the actors, both Ignacio Isusi and Queca Gordillo, and I – who also get on stage – and the director Carolina Laursen, who masterfully grabs the text and makes magic with it, make this proposal becomes something wonderful and that we live the experience as a family and a good work team; All of this is seen in the final result when the audience watches the piece and leaves with the feeling of having seen something worthwhile, and not because I wrote it.

With this question I want to add why this text arose: it was because once in a meeting we had at PAFF, someone said that good theater has to be that in which the spectator sits in the seat, has a good time, but leaves. home with a reflection and thinking about what he sees. And I think that with Mom’s ashes that achieves; That is to say, the spectator comes, laughs, has a good time, maybe cries, but there are aspects that reach deep inside and touch his heart. Also, he is going to go home thinking about what he saw because we sent an important message that we want him to reflect and think for good.

In general terms and from your roles, what did you discover in the rehearsal process that you did not experience in the first season?

Carolina Laursen: In this second season I am focused on the characters finding their justification for everything because they are super lovable characters, each one separately, and they have their reasons for why they are the way they are; So, I wanted to go a little deeper into it, so that they know why their characters behave the way they do and that they defend them strongly on stage.

I think every season is a challenge to direct. It’s good that the work has been given a second chance to delve a little deeper. One is always like rushing through rehearsals… and it happens to me a little in all the works that I can do again over time to explore them much more, and you realize that you are finding new things.

Nuria Ferrer: Soledad is a character with whom I do not identify at all because she is someone who lives far from today’s society, she does not have a mobile phone, she does not use technology, she is stressed by this 21st century, which makes her completely contrary. to her sister.

Soledad left her home a year ago to live in a commune hippy and surrender to nature, but he also has problems with his identity: he wakes up one day and doesn’t know if he is a man or a woman, he dresses depending on how he feels and is like a non-binary character; That is where the contradiction is because they are two sisters, very different, faced with the death of a mother. The influencerwho wants to broadcast the funeral on social networks, and the one who thinks that everything is nature, love, natural energy and wants something more relaxed for her mother, who would love to take her to live in her camp.

Queca Gordillo: My character is Victoria, although her sister calls her Vic. Victoria is influencer, she is obsessed with social networks and lives for the show, for the public and everything revolves around others, what others think. In the text, Nuria makes a little criticism of what the 21st century is like.

In that sense, my character – regardless of whether he lived facing others – in this second stage goes even deeper into what his feelings and personality are; that one thing is what we see outside and another is what happens to you, inside. So, that duality is very interesting for me as an actress. This makes this character a candy for any interpreter and I am super happy.

Why should children take their mothers to see this piece?

Carolina Laursen: I think they have to take them, first, because giving a mother the opportunity to go to the theater is a great gift, it is something original, different. Second, because in this area – where the Tower Theater is – there are many places to eat. With both options you can put together the perfect plan: I’ll take you to the theater and give you a super original gift on your day, because a play is never forgotten.

In addition, the message of this piece is wonderful, super hopeful and makes you leave the theater wanting to call people you love to tell them you love them.

Nuria Ferrer: Although it is called Mom’s ashesthey are going to leave here accompanied by their mothers and they are going to give them a hug when the play ends, that is the best gift.

Queca Gordillo: There is something important, that – be it this work or any other – for young people it is essential to disconnect from the screens and when you go to the theater you are – in our case an hour and 20 minutes – without looking at the screen; That is a luxury today. So, whether it’s because people want to take the young man or because the young man wants to take the mother… coming to the theater is always good.

Will there be a next season in Miami or another city?

Carolina Laursen: Yes, in Madrid. And maybe to New York because we already went with the other work (The one that is going to be assembled) and we would like to repeat that same tour.

Mom’s ashes can be enjoyed during May on the 10th, 11th, 12th, 17th and 18th. Tickets are on sale at

About PAFF

PAFF (Primer Acto Florida Foundation) is a non-profit organization that promotes culture based on Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

“Our mission is to encourage access and participation in diverse cultural expressions, fueling creativity, exchange and dialogue. We strive to preserve and disseminate cultural heritage, support artists, promote cultural events and provide educational resources. Our goal “is to empower communities and defend cultural diversity as a fundamental human right,” the organization states in its pgina web.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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