More than 700 human rights violations in November

HAVANA.- Last November, the legal advice center Cubalex counted 307 repressive actions in which 719 violations of rights occurred. human rights in Cubawhich contrasts with the speech of regime regarding the UN Universal Periodic Review.

In its report last month, Cubalex presented the statistics collected by the monitoring team that show an increase in repression and the deterioration of economic, social and cultural rights on the island.

The document specified that 232 people were identified as victims of these violations (78 women and 154 men).

Citizen insecurity

Likewise, episodes of citizen insecurity in the streets escalated with at least 23 murders, four of them classified as femicides, and another 33 violent acts that include robberies, assaults, attacks on members of the LGTBIQ+ community and assaults, some with weapons. of fire.

“However, possibly none of this marked the daily lives of Cubans more than the sustained growth of acts of violence and the worsening quality of life,” Cubalex noted in the report.

“In this context, the State failed to deliver in November the few products it maintains in the basic basket. The fuel crisis, blackouts, problems with water supply and landslides also continued,” he noted.


The deplorable hygienic and infrastructure conditions in health centers, the insufficiency of basic services and the shortage of medicines and supplies continued their rampant decline.

“All these shortcomings caused protests to occur, mainly in Havana,” where street blocking was observed on three occasions, on November 1, 11 and 23,” the report stressed.

Cubalex verified the arbitrary imposition of six warning notices and eight fines, all for political reasons, and counted 35 surveillance operations to prevent attendance at the trials against activists held in Havana on November 2 and 7, and in Matanzas on November 28. of November.

Death in custody

The Cubalex dossier is enriched with a legal analysis of death in custody.

“We have a legal section that has an analysis of the obligations that the Cuban State fails to fulfill when a person dies in the custody of State agents, police, officials of the Ministry of the Interior, officials of the Directorate of Penitentiary Establishments of the Ministry of the Interior,” he noted. the lawyer Raudiel Peña, representative of Cubalex.

“In addition, there are also some references to cases that we have documented in Cubalex that are linked to this issue and there are references to several press releases that some media have published with cases that are duly documented by our organization on this matter,” he said.

“Whenever the death of a person in the custody of public officials occurs, state obligations are breached and those responsible must be determined, reparations must be made to the victim’s relatives, as well as the corresponding non-repetition measures established,” concluded the Cubalex report.

Source: With information from

Tarun Kumar

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