The only simplicity worth keeping
it is that of the heart… the one that accepts and enjoys.

GK Chesterton

Simple, simple? No. Amusingly complex and very light-hearted. Maybe everything is in the origin.

Born in Egypt, with a French education to the core, Mexican by selection, she grew up and lived in diversity. So, did she have her heart divided? No, on the contrary, she was in everything she loved: her family, beauty in all its forms, friends, artisan magic. That love, she flowed from him. That allowed her to be everywhere, but only in herself. Complexity enjoys an undeserved bad name. In her it was part of her grace.

He arrived in Mexico very young, around the sixties. She is remembered as a hippie who shook her off with her presence. I want to imagine her with sandals that I did see on her, with some loose-fitting dress, barefoot in private, which I also saw on her, and with an enviable self-confidence, of which I witnessed her. She is slim, pretty, with a smile that came from within. Described that way, she sounds perhaps superficial. Not at all. MT he had not the slightest difficulty in changing to anger and severity. They say that at a formal and rigid dinner –so I imagine– someone dared to throw a contemptuous expression towards the Arabs. His inner volcano erupted. I was born in Egypt –nobody suspected it–, you don’t know that culture –I spoke Arabic, but I had the French ere–, New York is not everything. Confusion at the table. Inopportune?, no. Impertinent?, only for those who do not tolerate discrepancy. It was authentic. I believed it, I thought it. But then, how to explain the well-known woman of the social world?

Who used who? He liked to appear in the social magazines, for sure. Knowing her allure, she comfortably coexisted with those rituals. It was not a topic. So, she maybe she used them? She invented a passion for herself – popular art – say those who did not know her. That passion was real. We were traveling through Costa Rica, the road narrow and winding, the vehicle as fun as it was uncomfortable. All passengers willing to arrive. Suddenly, she said, “Please stop.” With difficulty the driver made it. She anxiously descended. Minutes later she arrived with crafts in her hands. She proudly showed them and described the origin. She caught them on the go. Her tropical refuge has been an artisan museum for decades. Her passion was real and ancient. That is why she dedicated so much time, so much life, to creating a museum on popular art, that is why she convened tirelessly to raise resources, that is why she tolerated institutional mistreatment without losing her smile. Saying popular art is often distracting. Behind each object are the exploited artisans who live from her creations. She lived several simultaneous worlds.

He had no problem dealing with luxuries, in fact, he made fun of them: “Wow, now I feel rich,” he launched at the brand new vehicle. How to evaluate an existence, by stereotypes and appearances? For some, creativity and capacity –the public– condones everything. Human beings, horrendous, but… outstanding. For others, the thermometer is solidity in personal life. The first reading accepts human misery. The second flirts with mediocrity. The extremes look for absurd labels. Balance is the challenge. MT escaped all She didn’t just dress fancy, she was her. Forgive me einsteinit is not a matter of tailors. MT he was elegant in all spheres. She had education and delicacy, sensitive skin, synderesis, the RAE would say. The treatment towards those who attend is a very precise x-ray of the wood of a person. Rating: 10.

Simple at heart, complex by formation and sensitivity, MT He brought together three C’s: heart, complexity –from the accents of his name!– and…character. Irreplaceable.

this way we walk Marie ThereseYou made a great gentleman happy, you gave life to two daughters, you created an institution to value artisans. what a life We will remember you for your smile and… what was behind it.

Hey, were you really too hippie? Ah, I see.

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