Nearly 160 million children in the world are in child labor

MIAMI. – June 12 is World Anti-Drug Day. Job Childish. The United Nations points out that, despite progress in reducing this type of work, there was a decline that makes it urgent to join efforts and actions to eliminate it.

According to the UN, nearly 160 million children In the world, 1 in 10 children work. Of the minors who work, only 26.4% receive cash benefits corresponding to social protection.

Africa It ranks first in the number of children in child labor: 72 million. They are followed, with 62 million, by Asia and the Pacific. For their part, 11 million children work in the Americas, 6 million in Europe and Central Asia and one million in the Arab States.

The UNICEF points out that child labor entails dangerous situations and conditions, for which girls and boys are too young. Furthermore, they are deprived of living their age and are exposed to extremely difficult conditions.

“In essence, it implies that children carry out work in conditions inappropriate for their age, which damage their health, morality and safety, which also prevents them from enjoying their right to education, play and a healthy and dignified life,” it indicates. the organization.

exploited children

UNICEF points out that due to opacity it is difficult to specify the extent of trafficking, forced labor, sexual exploitation, and the recruitment of girls and children by armed groups. “Many children are forced to work in inhumane conditions due to armed conflicts or their situation of vulnerability and lack of protection by governments,” the organization warns.

In 2024, it will be 25 years since the adoption of the Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labor. According to this document, “the effective elimination of the worst forms of child labor requires immediate and general action that takes into account the importance of free basic education and the need to free affected children from all these forms of work and ensure their rehabilitation and their social insertion while attending to the needs of their families.”


Source: UN / UNICEF / International Day Portal

Tarun Kumar

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