You are currently viewing Netflix: 20 series and documentaries to help you revise in all subjects

The school year is starting and your parents are putting pressure on you? No screen until homework is done? Far be it from us to deviate from this golden rule, but why not combine business with pleasure by discovering educational programs on Netflix? This is the bet that we have made at Télé-Loisirs by selecting for you 20 programs on Netflix which can help you revise your lessons and progress in school. Series or documentaries, there is an educational objective behind it, whether it is to progress in maths, improve your performance in foreign languages ​​or get a little head start on philosophy lessons.

Downton Abbey, Dark, The Young Ladies of the Telephone And Astrological Guide to Broken Hearts to improve your English, German, Spanish or Italian

We’ll start with the obvious, but there’s nothing better for progressing in a foreign language than watching fiction in the original version. That’s good, Netflix is ​​full of series from many countries and you can watch them in their original language, with or without subtitles, as you wish. Here is our small personal selection: the essential Downton Abbey to acquire a very British accent, the essential Dark for German, which will also test your logic, the historical series The Young Ladies of the Telephone for Spanish and romantic fiction Astrological Guide to Broken Hearts for an Italian dolce vita. And if you want more, discover our top 5 series for learning Spanish and the top 5 best series for improving your English. Finally, if you have started learning less common languages, take a look at these 5 Turkish fictions to discover on Netflix or our top 10 Korean series.

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The Crown And Vikings to be knowledgeable in history

While we must of course always remember that the series remain fiction, fictionalizing the historical events they relate, some can be useful to provide a visual complement to history books. This is the case of The Crown, wonderful historical fresco on the royal family of England, exploring sometimes forgotten or little-known parts of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. It ends in 2023 with a final season 6. Older, immerse yourself in the exploration Vikings with the famous series, then its spin-off, Vikings: Valhalla and take your place in the longships alongside these fierce warriors.

Our planet And National parks to perfect your geography

No history without geography. That’s good, Netflix offers a countless number of documentaries, particularly animal ones, which combine knowledge of animals and a tour of the planet. To start with Our planet, the beautiful documentary series from naturalist David Attenborough which explores the wonders of the Earth but also the impact of climate change. In the same genre, former American president Barack Obama takes you to discover the National parks and their natural beauties.

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The brain in brief And Babies for natural sciences

When we told you that Netflix was full of documentaries… Here are two that will help you understand many things about science, on the one hand by exploring the brain and its mysteries, and on the other by discovering the fascinating capacities of the ‘Man from a very young age.

The lady’s game to progress in math

Series Number3rs is not available on Netflix, but the miniseries The lady’s game will allow you to acquire a certain logic, essential to this discipline. While giving you, why not, the desire to join a club, after all, that’s also what back to school is all about, finding new activities!

The Good Place to progress in philosophy

If you are in your final year and are discovering the joy of philosophy lessons, these two series will offer you an introduction to the subject. In The Good Placeyour choices and your morals will be called into question by Eleanor who arrives in Heaven when her place was in Hell, and does everything to stay there… Don’t hesitate to take a look at #Philo Sapere Aude, in which you will follow the journey of Pol who begins his philosophy studies at university and discovers a stimulating new world.

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Sex Education to modernize sex education lessons

In our time, it didn’t really exist, but we hope that has changed… In any case, for almost 4 seasons now, the Netflix series Sex Education is touted for offering a real course to young people on the subject. “I was raised in France, so my sex education took place in France… or it didn’t take place, commented series star Emma Mackey. It was a biology class on reproduction, an hour in my entire schooling. I don’t even remember it. I don’t know what it’s like in England, but it’s probably the same. I hope that Sex Education will change the way we educate young people and modify the curriculum.” In the meantime, the series can be of service: “Yes, Sex Education helps people. I received testimonials from people my age who thanked me, girls who until then always felt guilty about pleasure for example, or because the series helped them to have an orgasm. It’s like a tool, it’s an entertaining series, but it can help.” In addition, season 4 of Sex Education arrives at the end of September on Netflix.

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The other side of sport And The Last Dance to improve your PE performance

You might not become a sprint or endurance champion by watching these Netflix sports documentaries, but they might inspire you to give it a try if you haven’t already. The first reveals behind the scenes of the history of sport, through the testimonies of athletes from different backgrounds. The second offers a privileged immersion with Michael Jordan, between thrills and nostalgia, and is aimed at both neophytes and enthusiasts. If you are more passionate about tennis, we recommend the documentary series Break Pointand for the bike, Tour de France, at the heart of the peloton.

House of Cards, Borgen And There Diplomat for civic education classes

These are two of the biggest political series in history and they’re both on Netflix. House of Cards takes you into the workings of American politics, alongside Frank and Claire Underwood, a couple ready to do anything and especially the worst to reach the highest steps of power. Borgen also explores power and its issues but this time in Denmark, through the journey of a woman who became Prime Minister. Against all expectations, the series made its comeback in 2022 for a season 4, produced exclusively for Netflix, after almost ten years of absence. More recent, The Diplomat will immerse you in the mysteries of diplomacy, against a backdrop of plots and manipulations.

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Black Mirror And Behind our smoke screens to accompany technology lessons

We know that today’s schoolchildren are skilled in this area, but if you want to explore the subject a little more, the series Black Mirror will fascinate you while offering you reflection on the dangers of new technologies and their abuses. As for the documentary Behind our smoke screensit’s social networks that he’s interested in and he might make you want to break away from it…

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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