Chihuahua.- A new financial company appears on the map of fraudulent institutions, it is Era Capital Investment, which according to the deputy of Morena, María Antonieta Pérez, defrauded more than 700 people in the state.

In accordance with the contracts, Era Capital Investment signed contracts with investors for the provision of personal and professional services that were in charge of placing and investing the resources contributed to generate profits derived from said management in the placement and investment of all types of statistics. either in currencies, cryptocurrencies, products offered in the Forex market, among others.

Pérez Reyes called on the State Attorney General’s Office in order to create a group in charge of investigating and prosecuting the company Era Capital Investment, as well as those allegedly responsible for fraud.

The legislator equated the company with institutions such as Aras Bussines Group, Vitas Financial and Fibra Millenium, which capture people’s money through false promises and deception and narrated that those who invested in said company, ensure that there began to be delays in the corresponding payments to their contracts, and when requesting an explanation, there was no response.

The same financial operators of the company denounced and filed a complaint for criminal management before the State Attorney General’s Office, after a series of irregularities by the directors of names: Gabriel Iván SG, Alejandro LR, Francisco S. and Luis T., who, according to what was described in the lawsuit, used the resources of the investors to open another company from which they were totally restricted.

“It is important that the authorities are more aware of these types of companies that capture people’s money based on false promises; it is urgent to act”, concluded Pérez Reyes.


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