Researchers want in our neighboring star system Alpha Centauri search for life. For that she has University of Sydney together with the Bulgarian company Endurosat die TOLIMAN-Mission planned. Toliman was the original Arabic name of Alpha Centauri.

First the habitable Zone around the two stars Alpha Centauri A and B. To do this, Endurosat will launch a mini-satellite to find exoplanets that could potentially harbor life.

“All exoplanets that we find close to Earth can be studied further with other instruments,” says the mission leader Peter Tuthill in a statement. These are the best prospects for analyzing atmospheres and chemically examining the surface of the planets.

Mini space telescope

His team is building a small space telescope for this purpose. The microsatellite should be able to carry out extremely detailed measurements. The technique needs a volume of only 12 liters get by

During development, Tuthill draws on the experience he gained when designing the Near infrared spectrograph NIRISS of the James Webb Weltraumteleskops has collected. NIRISS offers high spatial resolution, which is particularly important when searching for exoplanets.

Breakthrough Initiatives

The project is funded by Breakthrough Initiatives. The organization was started by the Russian philanthropist couple Julia and It shows Milner established and funded research programs. Among other things, they want to work on the $100 million project Breakthrough Starshot small probes using laser 20 percent of the speed of light accelerate. This should reach Alpha Centauri C (Proxima C), 4.2 light-years away, within just 20 years.


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