News about the corona pandemic: on a China flight to Italy, more than half of the passengers have corona

The local health authority registered a number of corona cases on two flights from China to Milan.

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Lombardy’s local health minister, speaking at a press conference, said 38 percent tested positive on the first plane and 52 percent on the second plane. The tests were mandatory for China travelers to Italy for the first time, as “Skynews” reports. The virus samples should also be examined for new variants, reports Bloomberg. The passengers who tested positive must now be isolated.

On Wednesday evening, the US government also decided to introduce mandatory corona tests for travelers from China. Five countries are currently doing this. In view of the Chinese leadership’s relaxed zero-Covid policy and the dramatic increase in the number of infections, other countries are likely to follow. According to the travel provider “”, after the restrictions were lifted, five to eight times as many international tickets were sold to Chinese. Travelers are mainly drawn to Japan, Thailand, South Korea, the USA, Australia and Great Britain. The latter did not want to impose a test obligation.

Surf tip: You can find all the news about the corona pandemic in the FOCUS Online news ticker

Book tip: “Everything about Corona”

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