NFON Milano has organized an incontro with the stampa per tracciare un bilancio dei primi quattro anni di attività della filiale italiana, per proiettarsi poi verso gli obbiettivi e le sfide che caratterizzeranno il prossimo futuro.

The business is infatti diventata operative on March 26, 2019 and has faced a quadriennio ricchissimo di sfide and give opportunity. As Marco Pasculli, Vice President Revenue Operations of NFON, has reported, all’inizio dell’attività le aziende faticavano a recepire i vantaggi di una proposta basata sull’offerta di servizi telefonici in cloud.

Marco Pasculli, Vice President Revenue Operations of NFON

At the end of the start, however, NFON proposes solutions for the integration of the phone base on the cloud with the other aziendali instruments, and has uploaded to the abbreviated Instruments of collaboration of Microsoft Teamsoffering an’integrazione that continues to rappresentare ancora oggi uno dei punti di forza dell’azienda.

The explosion of the pandemic has completely revolutionized the priority and the bisogni of the most extensive organizations, which if they were found costrette to work remotely for sopravvivere; i communication, collaboration and integration services Sono diventati quindi cruciali elements in the strategy of many businesses, which really have kept and potentiated these solutions also in the post-pandemic phase.

I will follow the evolution

NFON has saputo respond to these richest With the help of new products and functions, such as the smart cloud communications system Cloudya and poi delle soluzioni dedicated to the contact center, always più spesso characterized by the capacity of omni-channel management.

most recent is the certification as telephone interconnection hardware per Teams from Microsoft; Operator Connect will consent to scegliere NFON directly from the interface of the Teams administration, in a first time in the United Kingdom, in Germany and in Austria, and in all countries.

Nfon Compleanno

NFON serve a very varied clientele, from 2 to 9,000 postazioni; The majority of clients is common to small numbers, with a number of posts below 15 (the average is 12).

The proposed solutions are extremely scalable and perfect for distribution organizations Geographically, as per example the retail sector. Mercati molto forti are also those of logistics and hospitality.

The business model is indirect and based on its partner: There are currently 74 i Italian partners, with a widely maggioritaria quota (il 72%) composta da dealer, che lavorano a commissioni. A little less than 20% is twice categorized as wholesale, a partner capable of managing the intera solution and invoicing it directly to the client. I am still a commercial partner, which if limited to signaling and facilitating the opportunity.


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