ngel Cristo Jr. despairs at Sandra Barneda in Survivors: You will go to sleep when the program decides

The Honduran Cayos Cochinos are witnessing how the tide brings more than just water and saltpeter; the tension has settled on the island and, no matter how many kilometers that separate the Caribbean coast from the capital of Spain, it is impossible to avoid that every connection that the Telecinco set makes with the participants of Survivors be a real hive. In this sense, One of the dissonant notes has been the presence of ngel Cristo Jr.who has achieved the difficult task of putting everyone in agreement with a concatenation of behaviors that have exasperated each and every one of the contestants.

A week ago, Bárbara Rey’s son had his first run-in with Carlos Sobera. The Basque presenter told him that, precisely, he had a letter from her mother for him; Unmoved, he accused the program of allowing child abusers to be included in the format. Sobera did not want to go there and, very subtly, replied that it was not the place or the time to debate that and that what she was suggesting was, In everyone’s eyes, something very serious.


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    The daughter of Guti and Arantxa de Benito has been overwhelmed and already misses her boyfriend, Miki Mejas, and her little son very much.

Now it has been Sandra Barneda who has stopped ngel Cristo Jr. In one of these connections between the Palapa and Madrid, the presenter spoke directly to him. I see you quite discouraged and throwing in the towel regarding coexistence, what would you need for things to be different?, Barneda launched; The answer could not have been more concise: Nothing.

After being cross-examined, he insisted that, in reality, he doesn’t need anything. Just leave him alone. The rest of his classmates burst into complaints, accusing him of his bad behavior and his lack of contribution. I will never get along with these people because they are bad, they know a lot about TV, they handle everything very well.criticized Ángel Cristo, to which Carmen Borrego responded: you are on a TV show, Maybe you think you’re in the circus.

You will go to sleep when the program decides

He did not remain silent: Do you know what I think of you? If your dream was to jump out of a helicopter, I would have taken you to the San Juan reservoir, here you do nothing and you have become a burden.. The harshness of his words brought Miri Pérez-Cabrero to the fore, who intervened to reproach him for complaining about attacks and that he should not do so because he is the first to launch them. Ángel Cristo’s response, with a haughty look and a tone full of pride, unleashed laughter and disbelief among his companions: Really, when are we done? I want to go to sleep.

The second time he hesitated the format was more expensive than the first. Barneda spoke again and directly blurted out: I know you have every right to say that you want to go to sleep. I am trying to treat you with love, I hope you treat me the same. You will go to sleep when the program decides.

Afterwards he wanted to relax so that, after the sincere and necessary reprimand, the residue that remained would be more instructive than severe: I understand that it is a complicated situation that you are experiencing, From here I encourage you to change your mind and try to find the people who make you feel better or make you feel better in this coexistence, which is very hard.. In the background, the Cayos Cochinos.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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