According to the scriptures, how many dead did Jesus raise?

A. The scripture tells of Jesus successfully raising the daughter of Jairus from the dead. Details can be found in Mark 5 and Luke 9.

Furthermore, it tells of Jesus bringing back to life Lazarus and the son of an unnamed widow in Nain.


If I recently had the flu, do I have to get vaccinated again?

A. Bottom line: If you haven’t had one yet, get a flu shot, even if you already have (or an illness you think might have been the flu). Although the vaccine is not guaranteed to prevent a second case of the flu, it will reduce the chance of reinfection and its possible complications.

If you received the vaccine this season, there is no need for a second one. Scientists say that protection usually lasts throughout the season.

But if you’re still dealing with a respiratory illness or any kind of illness, wait until you’re fully recovered before getting a flu shot. This will allow your immune system to get back into normal working order, so your body can mount a strong response to the vaccine.

And keep in mind that if you’re starting to recover from the flu and your symptoms worsen again, this could indicate a secondary infection such as pneumonia, and you should call your doctor immediately.

Your hygiene habits can also help stop the spread of the flu. Wear a mask in crowded indoors. Remember to be diligent about washing your hands and covering any coughs or sneezes. Avoid touching your eyes and mouth to prevent the transfer of germs that may be on your hands. Keeping the air at 40 to 60% humidity by using a humidifier can also help; dry air helps the flu virus live longer. If you get sick again, stay home to avoid infecting someone else.


What is USB, cable or connector?

A. USB is such a familiar term and is an acronym for “universal serial bus”. USB really lived up to the “universal” part of its name. Before USB, serial ports, parallel ports, and more were used to connect external devices like keyboards, mice, and printers. USB made it possible for these different devices to connect to computers through the same connection.

USB technology was developed by a group of American companies, most notably Intel, and first became available in 1996. When Apple’s iMac came out in 1998, it was a USB-only computer. USB is still popular today, as are USB-C ports on phones, tablets, and certain computers.


I don’t know if it happened to you, but sometimes the pine nuts have tasted like metal, could it be my palate?

A. It’s not just your palate, but sometimes sprinkled on salads and almost certainly found in pesto-flavored dishes, pine nuts have gained attention in recent years for producing a metallic aftertaste that can linger for up to two weeks. After reports of “pine nut syndrome” or “pine mouth” first appeared in Belgium at the turn of the new millennium, researchers followed the path to the Far East, with seeds of the Chinese white pine (Pinus armandii) as the likely source of this harmless affliction. It’s still not clear what exactly causes the metallic taste, although a professor at the University of Idaho suggested that the seeds stimulate a hormone that increases the production of bitter-tasting bile.

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