The Organization of American States (OAS) supported Mexico this Wednesday and approved a resolution that “strongly” condemns the incursion of the Ecuadorian police into the Mexican embassy in Quito.

The resolution, presented to the OAS Permanent Council by the Colombian delegation, was approved with the favorable vote of the vast majority of countries and the only vote against from Ecuador.

The Mexican delegation did not appear at the session, while El Salvador abstained from the vote.

The resolution resolves to “strongly condemn the intrusion into the facilities of the Mexican Embassy in Ecuador and the acts of violence carried out against the integrity and dignity of the diplomatic staff of the mission.”

The document reaffirms “the obligation of all States to ensure respect for the privileges and immunities of diplomatic missions” and calls for respect of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which establishes that embassies are inviolable.

The events occurred last Friday night, when, by order of the Ecuadorian president, Daniel Noboa, the country’s Police broke into the Mexican embassy to arrest Jorge Glas, former vice president of Rafael Correa prosecuted for corruption and who had requested political asylum from Mexico.


The images from the security cameras, which were projected at the OAS session, show how the police pointed weapons and subdued Roberto Canseco, in charge of the diplomatic mission, to the ground while they took Glas away.

After that episode, the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, broke diplomatic relations with Ecuador, which justifies its actions by accusing Mexico of having violated international asylum treaties by sheltering a person prosecuted for corruption.

The resolution approved at the OAS also reaffirms “the obligation” that States have to “respect in their entirety” the provisions of the 1954 Diplomatic Asylum Convention and recalls that diplomats are obliged “not to interfere in the internal affairs” of the receiving state.

Likewise, the document urges Ecuador and Mexico to “initiate a dialogue and take immediate actions to resolve this serious matter in a constructive manner.”

This Wednesday’s session, called at the request of Colombia and Bolivia, two allied governments of Mexico, is the second this week after Tuesday’s, which was called by Ecuador to justify its actions.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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