Omar Vizquel exhibits his work From the diamond to the canvas

MIAMI.- With the same subtlety with which he made the emblematic double plays in the Grades Ligas, the Venezuelan Omar Vizquel showed his artistic side when presenting his gallery “Deldiamanto al corazón” this Wednesday, January 31.

The more than 20 paintings he exhibits, which are a journey through his history through painting, will be available until Sunday, February 4 at 226 E Flagler ST Miami, FL 33131. Admission is free.

“Art becomes an obsession, it grabs you and doesn’t let you escape,” said Vizquel to begin the presentation of his gallery, more than two dozen fours in which he captured the last 10 years of his life.

“I wanted to share some of the things I have been doing over the years, that I know people enjoy.”

“I tried to do this baseball play chronologically, looking back to 2012, which was my retirement. Each play has evolved and looked different. Then darker moments happened, chaos came on the field, more problems came. , the evolution came, the glove that he had since he was little, that he repaired every minute, the controversy of the receiver, then the rebirth of love. And at the end the King’s card, the king of the game that symbolizes everything that has happened for the last 10 years. Today I feel reborn, rejuvenated and I feel strong enough to do anything, thanks to my partner Mónica (his current partner) who got me out of that hole, she was also the general producer of the work.” , he explained about his paintings.

The works of the former baseball player, with 24 years of experience in the Major Leagues, will be for sale and 10% of the money, as he commented for DIARIO LAS AMERICAS, It will be allocated to a charitable foundation.

For now his work will only be exhibited in Miami, although they are studying the possibility of taking it to other cities such as Cleveland – where he lived his best years as a baseball player – or San Francisco, a city where he has already had other exhibitions.

“They have asked me if I am going to take it to Venezuela. But that is more complicated, it is international. I have some contacts who say they can take the work there, I would really love for Venezuelans to have the opportunity to see the work.” , he concluded.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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