2023 comes with a series of increases that will begin to impact the pocket of Argentines from January: transport, prepaid, rentals, monotribute and services, among others. The oil companies were also going to raise the price of fuel with the new year, but they finally decided to “wait” until the middle of the month.

The most noticeable increases that had been anticipated weeks ago are those of public transport, which will be 40% on average and in January they will take the minimum ticket in buses in AMBA up to 3 kilometers at $35 pesos. The minister of the area, Diego Giulianoconfirmed that there will be more increases in the remainder of the year.

For its part, as of January the second part of the 13.8% increase that the Government had authorized for December for prepaid will come into effect, but which it decided to split into two tranches. Thus, these Health services will have a rise of 6.9% in January.


Meanwhile, those who must renew the rental contract in January 2023 must calculate the increase in the price according to the variation of the Index for Rental Contracts (ICL) that the Central Bank (BCRA) prepares daily and combines the variation of salaries and consumer prices. In the first half of January, the increase for tenants who face their annual update under the Rental Contract Index (ICL) will have an increase of up to 83.5%. A) Yes, a person who pays $60,000 will pay $110,000.

The energy rates will continue with the increases established in the segmentation scheme postulated by the Government. Thus, starting in January, the higher-income sectors will have a 40% cut in the electricity rate subsidy that covered December and January 2023, and the remaining 40% will be removed from February.


The other crucial increase is the monotributo. The caps and quotas will rise by 72.6% plus the modifications implemented from the tax relief. Thus, the lowest categories will see an increase in the maximum billing amount of 60% from January, while in the highest categories the ceiling increased by 29%.

Thus, from January taxpayers must pay the following amounts:

  • Category A: $5,754.89

  • Category B: $6,435.03

  • Category C: $7,356.04 for services and $7,232.04 for the sale of products

  • Category D: $8,674.80 for services and $4,979.94 for those who sell products

  • Category E: $11,394.55 (services) and $10,246.48 sale of furniture

  • Category F: $13,638.95 for services and for those who sell products, $11,781.54

  • Category G: $15,908.13 for services and $13,414.49 for products

  • Category H: for services (the last scale allowed) $27,813.92. Meanwhile, those who sell goods, $23,207.10

  • Category I: the monthly fee will be $33,360.21

  • Category J: it will be $38,313.09 per month

  • Category K: the monthly fee is $43,305.56 for 2022

In addition, an extra for social work is added that will be progressive and will go from $3,000 to $10,000 depending on the category.


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