One for all and all against Trump?

MIAMI.- Four candidates in the fourth debate Republicans raised expectations and tried to win over the undecided voter in Alabama. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie took the stage light years ahead of once-absent former President Donald Trump in the polls. more of the Party’s spotlight.

Several controversial issues were the epicenter of the questions to the candidates for the nomination in the primaries. Following Trump’s immigration proposal on a possible Muslim ban, DeSantis insisted that the US should not accept people from “hostile” cultures, including refugees from Gaza. Meanwhile, the former North American representative to the UN, Nikky Haley rejected the proposed bet. Although she insisted on hastening the ban of the TikTok video platform since it supposedly promotes anti-Semitism and warned that young people who use this social network are beginning to show worryingly favorable positions towards the Hamas militia.

When asked what he would do as president to free Americans held hostage in the war between Israel and Hamas, DeSantis assured that “Hamas wants a second holocaust” and “exterminate” the Jews. The former governor of New Jersey accused him, saying that “Ron is asked a question and he doesn’t answer it” and said that he would “absolutely” send troops.

Another foreign policy topic was the war in Ukraine, Ramaswamy mocked Christie: “Chris, your version of political experience was closing a bridge between New Jersey and New York… So do everyone a favor: “Get off the stage, have a good meal and get out of this race,” the businessman said.

Amid the Biden administration’s waste of budget and weapons to Ukraine in its war with Russia, Republicans are beginning to show divided opinions on whether to maintain or suspend support for kyiv. DeSantis and Ramaswamy intend to use that funding to secure the border with Mexico. A more daring Ramaswamy claimed to be able to reach an agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Haley and Christie are committed to maintaining support for this country.

All Republicans condemned sex transition treatments, promoted by the extreme left and groups under the banner of WOKE culture. Christie and Haley spoke about parental rights and used this position to defend their objection to the laws. De Santis was blunt about this and classified these surgeries as “abuse and mutilation”, defending guidelines that eliminate the possibility of performing them. While Ramaswamy spoke about trans people with a distant and cold tone.

In the midst of this conversation about the indoctrination and imposition of so-called progressive currents in schools and universities, both Haley and DeSantis criticized institutions for allowing transgender people to compete in women’s sports. Christie maintained that decisions about a child’s education should be in the hands of her parents, not the government.

“I will defend parents every time,” Christie said. “I have defended parents every time that they can make decisions for their minor children. Sometimes parents are going to make decisions that we don’t like, but once they start to Taking away parental rights is very dangerous.”

“But they don’t have the right to abuse their children,” Governor DeSantis responded. “I don’t think men should go into little girls’ bathrooms.”

But, as usual, the great absentee was present and returned to the Trump topic again and again. According to the demographic website FiveThirtyEight, the four candidates are trying to catch up with former President Donald Trump, who has 58.3 percent support in the polls for the Republican nomination, followed by DeSantis 13%; Haley 10.4%; Ramaswamy l 5.3%; and Christie 2.8%.

“I’m sick of hearing about these polls,” said Ron DeSantis, when questioned by Megyn Kelly in the first question of the night about Haley’s lead in several key states according to recent polls. “We are going to win this election,” DeSantis assured.

The governor of Florida mentioned Trump’s failure to build the border wall, let alone Mexico paying to build it. He assures that he will build the wall unlike Trump and that he will be the one who will fulfill the former president’s promises.

Christie attacked Trump and highlighted his refusal to participate in the debates: “The fifth candidate is not here.” “(Trump) is not fit to be president, he is a dictator,” he added, making direct reference to statements by the former president that he would behave like a dictator, but only on the first day of his presidency.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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