Opposition candidate urges military to respect the Constitution ahead of elections

CARACAS.-Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, candidate presidential election of the democratic opposition Venezuelasince his first mass act alongside the leader María Corina Machado, in the state of Aragua – former Chavista stronghold in the central region of the country – that the path to the elections is mined with threats to stop his aspiration and eventual electoral victory on July 28.

He is also aware that these threats are increasing as the most reliable polls give his candidacy 50% of voting intention, more than 30% above Nicolás Maduro, who is seeking re-election to remain in power in Miraflores.

Maduro’s threat – “if you eat the light you will regret it” – is accompanied by legal challenges in the Supreme Court against the MUD card that nominated him and against the holding of the elections. Maduro’s threatening warning to González Urrutia was due to the fact that the opposition’s standard-bearer did not sign the controversial CNE agreement on June 21 that obliges the candidates to recognize the results, after a process marked by irregularities. In addition, González Urrutia, like Machado, has experienced the arbitrary detention of several of his collaborators.

But 24 days before the elections, González, a 74-year-old career diplomat, is neither blind to the light nor falling for provocations. They are not going to stop their advance, he said in an exclusive interview with DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS, minutes before traveling to Bolívar state, another region controlled by Maduro’s military, home of the Mining Arc and plagued by irregular groups. While there, he promised to end the persecution of workers, as was learned after making the trip.

Preparations were already underway for the so-called Takeover of Caracas, scheduled for July 4, a caravan that, along with the unstoppable María Corina Machado, will travel through the metropolitan area of ​​the capital and with which the electoral campaign will formally begin in the country, tense due to the political situation.

Edmundo Gonzalez U2_Courtesy EGU.jpg

Candidate, firm in the face of threats

You say that withdrawing your candidacy is one of the options in the air. Do you think Nicolás Maduro is capable of dismissing your calls for reconciliation?

I trust that this is not the case. What we have been doing everywhere is calling for reconciliation and reunion; for the adversary to be only an adversary and not an enemy.

What led you to announce your intention to withdraw your candidacy?

The obstacles that have been put in place over the days have been overcome one after another. They will not prevent us from continuing to build this great national alliance that is moving forward.

I want to insist on clarifying whether you feel threatened.

Our candidacy is firm before the CNE and meets all constitutional and legal requirements. Eliminating our candidacy would be a major scandal before the international community that closely observes the Venezuelan process. Even so, we know that we face an adversary that is capable of anything, so we are alert to any scenario that seeks to prevent Venezuelans from expressing themselves on July 28.

How have you felt about connecting with people on your tours with your wife and daughter?

I am very excited to see the number of people who are pouring out into the streets every time we have a rally or a march. I have been in Maracay and in La Victoria (Aragua state) and now in Ciudad Bolívar, with meetings with political leaders and workers from Guayana. And all this amidst great emotion and sympathy from the people who give us their opinions and tell us: you are my last hope! I have many expressions like that and they give us more encouragement to continue forward.

FANB, elections and the debate

With less than a month to go, how are you preparing for voting day?

With the best energies to face the day of July 28, in almost all opinion polls we are in a very advantageous position.

Do you expect the FAN to respect the popular will?

The Armed Forces will fulfill the role stipulated in Article 328 of the national Constitution. This is what is stated in the Constitution, which is the guide for all Venezuelans.

Do you think they are convinced of the duty to lead the country on the path of peace, whatever the scenario on the 28th?

The Armed Forces must fulfill their institutional role, as stipulated in the Constitution: respect the sovereignty that resides in the vote that will be expressed on July 28.

Could you tell us how you would handle your foreign policy towards China and Iran in a possible government?

We aspire to develop a foreign policy in accordance with our constitutional principles and our republican history, which is that of a country open to having relations with all countries of the world under the principles of mutual respect and international cooperation. In our government, Venezuela’s foreign policy will privilege the well-being of all Venezuelans and not the particular interests of a few inside and outside Venezuela.

Could a debate between you and Nicolás Maduro be held at some point?

We will debate this issue together with the Venezuelans on July 28th, at the polls.

(email protected)

Source: Interview with Edmundo González Urrutia, presidential candidate

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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