During the second and last day of the Forum on coalition governmentswhich was attended by 13 candidates for the presidency of the Republic in 2024, Dr. Jose Angel Gurria confirmed his intention to fight for the presidential candidacy

He Former Chancellor and Director General of the OECD, he recalled his childhood years, his development in an aspirational middle-class family and that his career in public service began as a worker at Petróleos Mexicanos.

“I aspire to become an opposition candidate and then, with the support of the coalition, win the elections and become a Republic President“, he warned.

Gurría maintained that the groups of organized civil society are the organic interlocutors of the parties and that in this logic, a coalition government would be the antidote against “the occurrences” that spring from National Palace

Former Foreign Minister José Ángel Gurría

“The next government, the one that I aspire to lead, will be one of the most ungrateful in history; He is going to have to dedicate himself full time to rebuilding the economy, but also the social, environmental, youth, women, national and foreign businessmen, institutions, trust, trust, trust. But afterwards it can offer hope and a higher level of well-being. That’s why you have to offer a coalition,” he said.

“A coalition does not waste resources on whims or occurrences; a coalition ensures the rational use of scarce resources; a coalition is a powerful political offer and attractive. A coalition can capture the imagination of the electorate and motivate them to turn out to vote.

Former Secretary of Economy Ildefonso Guajardo

For his part, Ildefonso Guajardo, another former Secretary of State PRI member (Economy and Government) also shared his aspirations, although he said that if he was forced to decline, he would do so for Gurría himself.

At the same time, the former head of the National Intelligence and Security Center (CISEN), Guillermo Valdés, warned that the presence and influence of organized crime in Mexico will continue beyond the next six-year term, for which reason he considered necessary a national agreement of all political forces, the three powers and the three levels of government, to prevent organized crime from meddling in the elections, which will annul democracy in the country.

During his participation in the panel Public Security Policy in Coalition Governments, Within the Forum “Unity and Coalition Governments” organized by the citizen group Unid@s, which seeks to integrate all social sectors in a project for 2024, the former official indicated that organized crime should be removed from all elections in the country.

“There must be a national agreement on the participation of organized crime in elections, on complicity and collusion, which protects organized crime in electoral processes, since this annuls democracy and installs mafia states,” he warned.

The security expert warned that the impunity with which criminal cartels operate has become “a very serious problem” that will unleash a chain of hatred in the next generations of the country.

Senator Miguel Angel Mancera

finally the senator Miguel Angel Manceracalled on the opposition and civil society to make the decision to start the selection process of a coalition candidate, that it is time to sign an agreement among all of society, given the short time that is coming.

We have not yet defined we’re still on runways 13 and 14. Seriously. Already! I think it is time for us to put it, We already have a cause for a coalition government, let’s make an agreement and commit the political forces that it is serious, that nobody is going to back down, that you have a possessive coalition and you are going to tell the people that this is what you want to build”:

The program is built later, it can be designed from the Senate of the Republic, and as an example we have 12 coalition governments, and we have to carry a unified message to the entire country, said Miguel Ángel Mancera.

For his part, the former PAN governor of Tamaulipas, Francisco Javier Cabeza de Vaca, in a recorded message reported the great achievements of his government during his administration, mainly in terms of Public Safety.

He highlighted the results of his government which he considered the safest in the country during the time he governed, despite resistance from the federal government to support the entity in terms of security.

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