Opposition presents motion of censure against president Dina Boluarte

LIMA.- Amid growing political tensions, opposition parties in Peru This Friday they presented a motion of censure against the president of the country, In Boluarteaccusing her of “abandonment of office” due to her recent official trips abroad.

Legislators from various groups of Congress expressed their concern about the absence of the president without the appointment of a vice president to replace her during her international trips.

According to the official document presented in the Andean Parliament, “his departure from the country constitutes an abandonment of the position and the presidential office.”

Although Congress had previously granted permission for President Boluarte to travel abroad, critics maintain that the authorization has “a serious motivational deficiency.”

In the statement, the legislators argue that the permission granted by Congress “carries its nullity and would not form part of our legal system.”

Boluarte trips abroad

The situation is even more complicated because President Boluarte approved months ago a provision that allows her to be absent from the national territory in a special way and direct the Head of State virtually.

However, this measure failed to calm the concerns of opponents, who consider that the situation presents significant legal irregularities.

The motion of censure will generate an intense debate in the Peruvian Congress in the coming days, and President Boluarte is expected to respond to the accusations. Meanwhile, political uncertainty is increasing in Peru, and citizens are closely watching developments that could have a significant impact on the country’s political course.

Source: With information from Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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