optimism without euphoria and more territory to widen the gap

The triumph he obtained in the PASO brought peace of mind to the governor Axel KicillofHowever, in La Plata they are “happy, but moderate”; they know that to win the general election in October they cannot sleep even half a second. For this reason, 48 hours after the election, the president will resume his tours of the districts: 60 days in the territory, without rest, with management as a central asset.

On Monday, Kicillof met his full cabinet to analyze the results and begin to outline the campaign. This Tuesday the lieutenant governor did the same Veronica Magario. “We are happy, but moderate. There is joy for the victory in the province, but we cannot fall asleep for even half a second, ”he told Letter P an official close to the governor.

This Wednesday, the governor will return to his traditional tours. He will start with Berisso and while they finish defining the agenda, the next day he will deliver deeds in La Plata together with the Minister of Justice and candidate for district mayor, July Wineone of its strong bets.

“These days served to order us, but you have to get out quickly to work. We will seek to strengthen those districts where we did well, of course, the suburbs, but also large districts such as Mar del Plata, La Plata, Bahía Blanca and Olavarría. We believe that we can reverse the adverse result in the district where we govern, such as Pehuajó and Bolívar”, the source from the governor’s environment explained to this medium.

As can be seen from a first analysis carried out in La Plata, at this stage the ruling party must go out and search centrally for the electorate that did not go to vote and the one that voted blank, reinforce the message, be as broad as possible and reinforce the management , considered its main asset. In addition, they will deepen the work with the mayors.

The votes obtained are “one floor” for the Buenos Aires ruling party. He believes that he “must go up” to ensure re-election and push the presidential candidate, Sergio Massa, who garnered fewer votes than the Buenos Aires native. With 98% of the tables scrutinized, Kicillof reaches 36.41 percent and the sum of the two candidates for Together for Change, Nestor Grindetti y Diego Santilli, rounds off 32.92%. In third place was the representative of La Libertad Avanza, Caroline Piparowith 23.76%.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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