Oriana Marzoli and Daniele dal Moro break up their relationship

It’s been weeks since Oriana Marzoli I left the house of Guadalix de la Sierra, leaving behind VIP Big Brotherfor, among other things, wanting to see her boyfriend, Daniele dal Moro, whom I missed a lot. The couple, which then reflected a tender sense of unity, has now surprised everyone by confirm your breakup. The exclusive has been given socialformat thatbeyond the bad symptom that meant that both would stop following each other on social networkshas obtained her statement.

The separation would not have occurred, they advanced in the program, in a friendly manner. On the contrary: it would have been caused by uncomfortable tensions. The information has been completed by the reporter contacted by Nria Marón, who has spoken with the model and former contestant of the reality of the Fuencarral chain. On Thursday I left home. I came with my four 32 kilo suitcases to Spain, aloneOriana’s statement began.

Then he opened his mouth and his feelings came out in a cascade of sincerity. He is a person with whom I have been very in love, but there have been things that I can no longer stand.he detailed, just before adding the following: that I have left everything here: my mother, my car, my dog, my friends and my job. I also don’t want to be reading and seeing such ugly things that are being said about me.. And just at that moment he blurted out the reason for the breakup. It hurts me quite a bit. There hasn’t been one girl, that is, there have been severalhe revealed, hinting at the Italian’s infidelities.

A year full of love and turbulence

The couple met at the end of last year. They agreed on Big Brother VIP 7the Italian equivalent of VIP Big Brotherand since then, start of your love story. During its beginnings it was a romance converted into a roller coaster; Ups and downs, curveballs, arguments and endless displays of affection were common. We met in what for me was the best experience of my life, and you were one of the reasons that made it more special. It wasn’t all pink, but it was REALwrite at the beginning of October on your Instagram profile.

Maybe we are not the typical perfect couple that you see around here, but for me the great feeling that exists between us is worth much more. Now that’s perfect… And although we both have a lot of character, and we are due idiots I love you and above all“I love who we are just the way we are,” he concluded his love note. A month later, reflecting the turbulence that has marked her history, they break up their relationship.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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