Otaola surrenders his firearms to the Miami Police after restraining order

He influencer Cuban Alexander Otaola He handed over his firearms to the Miami Police on Friday after a judge imposed a restraining order on him the day before.

In a live broadcast that he broadcast on his networks, Otaola described the order as absurd, because it was requested by a person – a man – that he does not know and whom he has only seen twice in his life.

He explained that he always follows the laws and that he encourages everyone to do the same, and that is why he wanted his fans to witness how he handed over his weapons within 24 hours of receiving the restraining order.

“I want the Police to know that the weapons that I am going to hand over are in perfect condition, they have only been used in shooting practice, they are not scratched, damaged, dented, or dilapidated. And it is very important that I receive them after in the same state,” he stressed.

The presenter pointed out that after this temporary restraining order there are only attempts to stop his candidacy for mayor of Miami-Dade County.

As detailed, the man is practically unknown, although there are photos of him with fellow candidate Lucía Lacallo, who was advised on her campaign by the well-known Cuban-American political consultant. Sasha Tirado, who sued Otaola last June for defamation.

“I mean, it’s a team that he is working together and that he intends to create distractions for me for the campaign,” he said.

Otaola revealed that the restraining order is temporary and that next Friday, February 16, there will be a final hearing to determine his situation in which he will have the opportunity to defend himself.

In his opinion, Democratic people are using the law to persecute him because he is a political candidate. He also does not rule out that behind all this are the acolytes of the Castro dictatorship in Miami, because he has proposed to remove the communists and end the negotiations with the dictatorships in the region.

He influencer He remembered when in 2018 the Reggaeton player Yomil slapped him in Miami and he could not get any judge to issue a restraining order.

He also revealed that, in addition to being supported by the Second Amendment of the Constitution, he has firearms because of the death threats made to him by communists.

Otaola is one of the Cuban exile figures in Miami who were included in a list of “terrorists” that Havana He handed over to the US authorities days ago.

A list that, according to the State Department, is nothing more than a regime’s way of “disparaging immigrants who exercise their freedom of expression” and who criticize human rights violations and repression in Cuba.

In his program, the presenter clarified that his weapons are in custody, but it does not mean that they were taken away from him or he was prohibited from having them, and he invited his followers to accompany him in court next Friday, February 16.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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