• ovarian cancer: So many women are affected
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The Center for Cancer Registry Data according to about one in 76 women over the course of their lives ovarian cancer. Since the turn of the century to take the Counting of new cases away and so are the death rates significantly declining. If an illness occurs, it is important that symptoms to recognize quickly. Will the Treatment started as early as possibleit can work better and increase the chances of survival.

Basic knowledge about ovarian cancer

In the case of ovarian cancer, one also speaks of one ovarian cancer. The most common form of this cancer is the so-called high grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC). This form of ovarian cancer arises in one of the two fallopian tubeswhich transport the egg cells from the ovaries to the uterus. As one of the first research teams, that around the gynecological oncologist Jürgen Piek was able to prove in 2001 that the precursor of tumor cells the ovaries in the fallopian tubes can be found.

In the years that followed, there were more and more new evidence for the Relationship between the fallopian tubes and HGSOC found. It is important to know, however, that the fallopian tubes not in all ovarian cancers are the origin. So-called STIC lesions in the fallopian tubes, leading to a loss of the tumor suppressor genes TP53 and TP16 and later to one pass cancer can, can only at about 60 percent of women can be detected.

Usually exists in ovarian carcinoma no early symptoms. So there are no typical symptoms that give an indication of a possible disease right at the beginning. The reason for this is the anatomical position of the ovaries: tumors can grow quite large on them without causing any symptoms. Some signs however, there are things you should be aware of. This includes vague abdominal pain or discomfort, vague indigestion, bloating and gas. Also, you should at one Increase in abdominal girth without gaining weight, more frequent urination than was previously usual and bleeding outside of the period and after the menopause to prick up their ears. You should do this, especially if the symptoms have only started a short time ago, several appear at the same time, or the pain is more severe than normal menstrual cycle symptoms be clarified by a doctor to let.

Early detection and risk factors for ovarian cancer

Although they are Illness and death rates declining, but the disease continues to pose a serious threat to one’s own life. If the diagnosis is not made until the III. or stage IV, the chances of survival for patients with ovarian cancer are relatively poor. If a stage I diagnosis is made, the relative Survival rate as high as 88%. With a stage II diagnosis, it is 79%. However, since there are often no symptoms for a long time, more than two thirds of the cases the diseases are only discovered at a very advanced stage. This is precisely why it is so important to have regular check-ups with the doctor and seek medical advice immediately at the first sign to consult. If ovarian carcinoma is detected early, there are good treatment and recovery prospects.

That disease risk increases with age. on average sufferers receive their diagnosis at the age of 69. In addition overweight a risk factor. hormonal factors also affect the risk. If you are childless or infertile, your risk may increase. Conversely, if you have had many births or breastfeeding for a long time, the risk goes down. If you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the basis of treatment is almost always one surgery. The doctors primarily take into account the tumor stage, the type of tumor and the general state of health.

Certain are also known genetic changesthat increase the wearer’s risk of disease. These include genes BRCA-1 and BRCA-2. Around 10 to 45% of women who carry a mutated form of these genes will develop ovarian cancer in their lifetime.

New treatment methods and studies

The realization that ovarian cancer originates in the fallopian tubes in almost all cases made this possible new opportunities for prevention. With risk mutation there is often only one choice, yourself ovaries and fallopian tubes at once to be removed or yourself two operations undergo to reduce the risk of cancer. If you choose the second variant, first only the fallopian tubes are removed and then in a second operation, at the age of 40 to 50, the ovaries. However, such a decision should be considered carefully and only with prior agreement be taken by a doctor. Currently investigating two studieson the one hand the so-called TUBA– and on the other hand the so-called WISP study, whether the two-stage operation offers advantages in terms of quality of life or not. The aim is, more conclusive studies soon to publish on the topic. For example, the international study called TUBA WISP2 worked.

Recommended book: ‘The Nutrition Docs – Our Anti-Cancer Strategy: What Nutrition Can Really Do in Prevention, Treatment and Aftercare’ – watch it here

It has already been explained which treatment options exist if a risk gene has been detected. However kick about 80 percent of ovarian cancers in women who no known risk gene bear in themselves. 2008 began Doctors in British Columbia, Canadain women who are one surgical sterilization subjected to one too tubal removal to offer. The team then observed the incidence of ovarian cancer in this group of people compared to the general population.

So far it has been found that the operation costs not increased by the removal of the fallopian tubes and also no premature menopause was triggered. The latter is usually triggered immediately upon removal of the ovaries. One of the doctors practicing this method, David Huntsman, already speaks of the first signs of the method’s effectiveness and hopes that it will be used in the future as the standard method could be viewed.

Conclusion – further studies and investigations necessary

Ovarian cancer is one very dangerous disease. If you recognize possible signs, it is best to have them clarified by a doctor immediately. Realizing that ovarian cancer in many cases in the fallopian tubes and not in the ovaries themselves, can open up a new opportunity for prevention. With a risk gene, it could be sufficient to initially only remove the fallopian tubes. The advantage of this approach would be that no premature menopause would be triggered. For women with a risk gene, this means a new option for risk-reducing surgery.

How effective the new approach actually is will be discussed clinical trials tested. There are already promising signs of effectiveness. There are also certain, rarer types of ovarian tumors that appear to originate in the ovaries themselves or in other tissues. From knowledge becomes constantly researchedhow ovarian cancer could be detected earlier and treated even better. On several meaningful studies like the international TUBA-WISP2 study as well as final results must be expected waited a few more years will.

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