Pablo Echenique's wife breaks her silence: how they met, their wedding, their coexistence

Pablo Echenique He is famous for his political polemics, many of them on Twitter, and for his activity in the circle of Unidas Podemos, of which he is Program Secretary, but little is known about his personal life. The Argentinian born He is married to María Alejandra Nelo Bazán, who has shed light on that most intimate side of the politician in an interview with The Objectivewhere he talks about how they met and what his daily life is like with a person who needs a wheelchair and has an 88% disability.

We were both in Zaragoza, working at the university, and I saw him go down a central street in the city, with his wheelchair, from one side to the other, running, and we always greeted each other. And then they opened a campus, somewhere else, and we all had to move there. Then, one day, I was leaving the laboratory and I ran into him; I wondered where his office was, since I had never been to this new part of campus. And I told him: I don’t know where it is, but I’ll help you look for it. And that was the first closest contact. Then, on Facebook, he was suggested to me as a friend, because we have an acquaintance in common. AND I started writingsays the Venezuelan, who explains that the spark had not yet jumped there.

We always said we would meet for coffee, we set dates but, in the end, for one reason or another, we ended up canceling. And it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen, until it finally happened. When the time comes, Since it had taken us so long to make an appointment, I told him: Let’s get pretty! And we went to a charity piano concert, which I love. And after that, we met again And, he remembers this better than I do. Later we started to stay at his house more, especially to listen to music. (I love Latin music, although it has sexist lyrics), he adds.

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  • Pablo Echenique's wife breaks her silence: how they met, their wedding, their coexistence

    In the early hours of Saturday to Sunday, some hooded men tried to put the young man in a trunk in the center of Madrid.

He says that they used to listen to Dudamel’s Venezuela Symphony. We see each other a lot, almost all the time, and I stay at his house a lot. So I suggested that I move in with him, because he hardly ever set foot in my other apartment and I was still paying rent.. And it was quick to move in together. Since then, we are doing very well. We got married on August 9, 2013, she says.

A wedding in Tenerife

The politician’s partner also explains that they sought to escape convention in their wedding. We didn’t want to have a wedding like the ones they do here, with large banquets and many guests. We wanted to do something different, so We eloped to Tenerife and got married there. With two witnesses, a friend of his and a friend of mine.

Although it is not clarified, the interview shows that the wedding was civil. My family is Catholic, but I came into conflict when I had a Muslim boyfriend. I believe in the existence of something higher, I imagine a goddessnot a god, something that transcends, a higher energy.

And he admits that he did not forget that first love until the politician appeared. I’ve only had two great loves in my life, serious ones, I mean. I started my relationships late, at 28 years old, when I came to Spain in 2008. So I met a Muslim, and I fell madly in love with him. And until Pablo arrived I didn’t forget about him. He even went to Morocco, to the mosque. And we were very in love. But We had to separate because none of us could stay in Spain.. In 2008 I had to return to Venezuela to finish my degree and he had to go to her country. The last I heard about him is that she went to Canada.


In the talk, the Venezuelan explains that The couple’s desire was to be parents. We have tried, but it has not happened. And he confesses that adoption was even considered. I once thought about it, but I don’t know about the issue of mental health, I have no idea how it works here in Spain.

Without fear of disability

Nelo also says that the politician’s disability was never a problem for her. In my immediate environment in the laboratory where she worked, for example, there were many comments about it. Many people were very prejudiced. Many people couldn’t understand why we were together and they talked behind their backs. Once, I even had to confront one of them and tell him directly to his face that I knew he was speaking badly about my relationship. My mom loves Pablo. I never had any impediment from the family or anything.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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