Open war for the Alves house: Dinorah Santana and Joana Sanz claim to pay the expenses

The set of the television program Fiesta became its last installment in a battle between Dinorah Santana and Joana Sanz despite the fact that neither of them was on site in the format presented by Emma Garca. The trigger was the payment of the expenses of the chalet owned by Dani Alves and his ex-wife, the home in which the Canarian model currently resides.

Amor Romeira began her argument in defense of Sanz by lamenting the prejudice that exists towards her and her situation and attacking the person who was Alves’s representative. Dinorah’s entire attack on Alves comes because as of June 28, the powers he had and those he could manage all the money are revoked. That day he changes his version of defense to start attacking, he explained.

Almost immediately, José ngel Leiras denied his program partner’s version to warn him that the dates he was providing were not correct. Joana starts living in the house that belongs to both of them and is taking charge of the payment for their house, because Alves does not have access to their finances.Romeira continued. Furthermore, according to their version, Joana and Dani Alves have signed a document by which the Brazilian He agrees to return the deposited money in one year because she is facing charges that do not correspond to her for helping him..

Dinorah Santana’s version

Unlike Romeira, Leiras went directly to present evidence that it was really Dinorah who was paying the mortgage on the residence and even from the program they gave way to a call in which the person involved herself gave her version. Joana has never paid any mortgage bill. All receipts are my account and expenses.

The Brazilian has gone even further. Look, if he wants him to keep the house. What I want is for them to get my name out of this problem. He gets into this to highlight the fact that he is with an alleged rapist and people are attacking him, he accused. To take the focus off her and him, she’s doing this, but the bills are on me.

While the two claimed to have the evidence to prove their version, the only thing they agreed on was that Joana had been paying for the security and water since July. But Dinorah continues to pay the mortgage because she has the property and usufruct as a result of a judgment and she is the one who transfers the home to Alves.has angered Leiras.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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