Vctor del Valle changes Alejandra Rubio's look live

Alejandra Rubio Since the weekend, she has earned the title of brave, intrepid and even adventurous. And the daughter of Terelu Campos did not doubt it for a second and yesterday I decided to blindly undergo a change of look during the broadcast of the program Fiesta of Telecinco, in which he collaborates.

This weekend Visit the platform of the space presented by Emma Garca one of the people who more viral they have become on social networks for their spectacular makeovers when it comes to hairstyles: the hairdresser Vctor del Valle.

Given such an opportunity, the granddaughter of the late Mara Teresa Campos gave the surprise by asking the stylist to please try it on her live and use her as a model to show her skills during the broadcast of the program.


The reaction

Vctor del Valle chose to cut the hair that the young woman had been wearing until now, who, in the opinion of her co-stars, was really benefited by the change. “You’re gorgeous, auntie,” exclaimed collaborator Amor Romeira..

A result with which Alejandra Rubio herself felt very satisfied: If I look like a good girl!, said Carmen Borrego’s niece. after seeing how the popular hairdresser had left her.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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