You are currently viewing New beginning: Karin Viard explains why Franck Dubosc was intimidated during their kissing scene

Karin Viard and Franck Dubosc play a couple in Philippe Lefebre’s new film, New start. Very friends in everyday life, the two actors had to confront their modesty to play certain scenes, notably that of the kiss. A test for Franck Dubosc.

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Very close in friendship, they decided to make a film together. Franck Dubosc and Karin Viard will star in a new French film, New start, on September 27. In the fiction, the two friends are married, but after 30 years of living together, a routine has been established. If Alain (played by Franck Dubosc) is still in love with his partner Diane (played by Karin Viard), for the latter, it is less obvious. To rekindle the flame, Alain then decides to leave his partner and the two fifty-year-olds take the opportunity to find the path to seduction and romantic dates. A feature film that makes viewers wonder about life as a couple and an opportunity for the two actors to play together in the same film, after years of friendship. But some scenes were not easy to play, like the kissing scenes.

Karin Viard tender against Franck Dubosc

“It wasn’t too much of a problem for me, but I could tell he was more intimidated, because Franck was also a little intimidated to be a bit in the role of the white clown, which is not usual for him. We know that when individuals provide, it is to mask a certain shyness, a certain embarrassment.”explained Karin Viard in the show Apart on Canal+. “I know him very, very well, Franck, and I’ve known him forever”added the one who has known the actor since his youth during his studies at the Rouen conservatory: “That’s to say someone more painful, more complexeven more tragic.”

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A long-standing complicity

“What I love about him is that he is someone who makes fun of himself very easily, which also masks a very, very great modesty”explained Karin Viard, before adding: “I think it was quite intimidating for him – even though we did a lot of things in our youth – to be with a woman who had known him so much and for so long. Whereas for me, it was the reverse. I felt like I was playing pee tag with my cousin. A complicity that appears on the screen.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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