Pablo Marqus covers Jessica Bueno: You are not going to destroy us

The walls of the house VIP Big Brother in Guadalix de la Sierra begin to weigh more on Jessica Bueno. The episode in which she starred alongside Luitingo has been the cornerstone of quite a few off-screen debates and even more on-screen whispers. After the tension, there begins to be a rapprochement between the two that is supported by the premise that Bueno wanted to establish: They can’t maintain a relationship, no matter how strong Luitingo’s feelings are. Given all this commotion, the couple from Bueno, Pablo Marqushe wanted to protect his girlfriend and shield her from all the criticism she is receiving.

The businessman has broken his silence in an extensive and forceful way. This post is dedicated to all the people who send me negative messages about the love that Jessica and I have. You are not going to destroy us, our love will always triumph, begins his statement, loaded with strength. It’s about showing a face, that of her relationship, and not being left behind by what she considers an attack: I expose myself here so you can tell me what you want, any negative comments, but when Jessica finishes her work you will see the result.

Jessica, you are great

And, as he explains, a manipulation with all images shown. I don’t judge you, but I don’t believe it, I just believe in the love we have. You are not going to break us, he explains. Then he dedicates a few words to her partner: Jessica, don’t worry, we’ve already won. I am going to give everything and the more you say negative things to me, the more strength you will give me to give more and more.. If he writes this, he says, it is to contribute his grain and let everyone know what the true meaning is. true, authentic love.

Ours is intimate and only for us. To all the press that likes to publish these stories, publish what you want, but I can’t be clearer., he proclaims, just before addressing his word again to Bueno. With his heart in his fingertips, he types: My Jesus, I’ll wait for you when you come out and it will be another day for us. We need to live the best and we have a thousand years to do it. Above the text, a photo of both. He asleep, she hugging him. It was September. And a final sentence: Jessica, you are great.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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