Paco de Luca's widow presents a festival in his honor with Mal's absence

Next February will mark ten years since the death of what is considered by many to be the best flamenco guitarist in history. Paco de Luca He left behind a legacy as extensive as it was virtuous that touched all music lovers. the day his death from an acute myocardial infarction was announced.

A decade from this date, the musician’s widow, Gabriela Canseco Vallejohas organized a festival under the name Paco de Luca Legacy which will take place in New York in February of next year. He attended the presentation with his children. Curro, Casilda and Antonia; The artistic directors were also there, Julio Mart y Laura Poggio; and the dancer Carmen Linares; even the author of the poster, Oscar Marinand the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports of the Junta de Andaluca. The person who wasn’t even going to the festival is the musician’s niece. Evil.

Of course we proposed it

This absence did not go unnoticed and prompted a journalist’s question to Gabriela herself. Mal is not going to participate. I don’t know exactly why, I really don’t know. It must be because of his agenda, yes, because of course we proposed it to himshe was sincere, causing some questions about the figure of the artist and her relationship with the family clan.

However, the musician’s widow took care to clear up doubts in this regard and clarify that her non-participation should in no case be interpreted as a negative symptom. The truth is that I don’t see her much either, I mean, she is a person who is always very busy and then when I see her she is always happy and she is very familiar with her cousins.said of the singer, who has recently returned to the front page after her interview in Traveling with Chester.


Bad in Traveling with Chester.

The festival in question arrives as an emotional, family and personal tribute to the guitarist. Paco de Luca Legacy is the memory that his loved ones want to organize so that the world of music remembers in the city of skyscrapers the musician who took flamenco to another stage. I have an obsession with staying alive and never stoppingonce said Paco de Luca, whose Foundation now seeks to give meaning to these words.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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