Traffic control will be intensified in the City of Buenos Aires with the new photomultas, and the cell phone use at the wheel It will be one of the most controlled offenses and with the highest penalties.

Along with this control, the Buenos Aires authorities will also keep an eye on two other very common irregularities: improper turns and failure to use seat belts.

While some drivers came out to criticize the measure, considering it a invasion of privacyothers willing to abide by the manifesto measuresn several doubts especially regarding the cell phone, since it is not only a tool to communicate but also used as GPS So the question is: when and how can it be used and when will it be a reason for a fine.

The system will be launched in February and it is better to clear the points that are not clear to avoid a sanction and the loss of points to renew the card, another of the consequences.

Can you check Google Maps or Waze?

The first thing they take into account, according to security and traffic control experts, is that the A car driver must take the wheel with both hands. This means that, in no way, can you carry your cell phone in one of them.

So even if it’s the use of the telephone to have google maps either Wazethe two most used guide systems, this will be a reason for a fine.

In these cases, the phone can be carried on a mount in the dashlocated in a visible and practical place, and from there check the way, but it will not be possible to change a route or use the phone for other purposes while the car is moving.

The use of the cell phone at the wheel will be taken by photo fines.

Lucila Capelli, Undersecretary of Mobility Planning of the City of Buenos Aires. “The hands-free phone can continue to be used as long as the device is included with the car but You cannot manipulate the cell phone or lose sight while the car is moving looking at the phone,” he said.

In this sense, a key fact to take into account is that, if you have to enter a new address or add a stop on the map, you have to stop the vehicle to do so, since changing it while driving will mean taking your eyes off the road. In this sense, a clear example is the infotainment systems of cars, which have GPS included, which do not allow changes or actions on the screen while the vehicle is moving. In any case, as clarified in the undersecretariat, each photomult will be analyzed individually.

What options do I have to speak without committing a violation?

If you need to use the phone, there are other ways to do it without having to be aware of the device, although talking hands-free means losing focus on driving. The options are:

  • Hands-free system integrated with the vehicle: almost all new cars have this system integrated from the factory, but for those vehicles that do not have it, there are hands-free ready to be installed by a mechanic.
  • Mobile hands-free kit to connect to the cell phone via bluetooth: the other option available is to have a portable hands-free that you can take with your cell phone and use it in any car.
You can use the cell phone in the car attached to a support.

You can use the cell phone in the car attached to a support.

In any case, the telephone or any other electronic or digital device must go in a place that is easy to read and that does not obstruct the vision of the instrument panel of the vehicle, nor direct vision as a driver, nor should it interfere with the operation vehicle safe.

About privacy in photomultas

The material registered in CABA for photo fines will be taken in video format and the fines will be sanctioned digitally. These new cameras are more intelligent, precise and with a higher level of image quality.

will be 100 fixed cameras of the 200 that the network has that will detect these specific behaviors. It is important to know that these elements are new and exclusive, not being part of the crime prevention network and are duly informed on the city map.

In each photo you will see the actions inside the car and the license plate of the vehicle, but the identity of the driver will appear out of focus or diffuse to maintain privacy.. In addition, a possible companion will be covered.

In the event that the person committing the offense is not the owner of the vehicle, the driver must file the corresponding complaint at the Administrative Unit for the Control of Offenses, under the General Directorate for Infraction Administration, with the license number of the person who committed the offense. Yes, he committed it and the fine will go to the person responsible.

Value of fines and loss of points

From the new records, the value of the fine will be evaluated. To date, for cell phone use, the amount is from $7,571 to $15,142 (100 to 200 UF); for not wearing a seat belt of $7,571 (100 UF), and for improper transfer, of $7,571 (100 UF).

The new cameras for photomultipation will be placed in strategic places.

The new cameras for photomultipation will be placed in strategic places.

Other infractions such as speeding cost $4,086 to $233,480 (70 to 4,000 UF); and the red light violation is from $17,511 to $87,555 (300 to 1,500 UF).

A question that many ask is if the use of drinks (mate) or cigarette is reason for a fine, to which the Undersecretary of Mobility explained that “is not penalized.”

Also, the discount of points for each of these offenses is between 5 and 10 points, in the first case; 5 points, for crossing in red or using the telephone, and four, for not wearing a seatbelt.

The cameras in the City are located according to the offense to be detected: for example, those that seek to record red crossings identify the most dangerous intersections, with the greatest pedestrian risk and with the greatest circulation, such as transfer centers, while the that detect prohibited turning are placed in corners where this maneuver is prohibited.

Answering the phone is the cause of many accidents

The number of accidents caused by people talking on the phone while driving is growing around the world. The attention demanded by telephone communication distracts the driver and the tension that the content of the call can cause disturbs their driving task, with the consequent production of delays or errors in actions. And this is not solved with a “hands-free” phone. The question is to have the “free mind” of any other concern other than driving. Therefore, the traffic law prohibits its use while driving.

According to various studies, the use of mobile phone is a factor that multiplies by four the risk of accidents. While talking on the phone, even hands-free, the ability to concentrate necessary to drive is lost: a constant speed is not maintained, the safety distance is not sufficient from the vehicle in front and the reaction time increases considerably in between and two seconds, depending on the driver.

The cell phone in the car must be placed on a support.

The cell phone in the car must be placed on a support.

Data provided by other reports suggest that “after a minute and a half of talking on the cell phone (even hands-free) the driver does not perceive 40% of the signals, your average speed drops by 12%, your heart rate spikes during the call, and it takes longer to react.”

In addition, when driving a vehicle at 110 km/h, the consequences are the following:

  • Responding with “OK” or sending an icon is equivalent to traveling 120 meters blindly, in four seconds.
  • Answering “I’m driving, we’ll talk later” is the same as traveling 240 meters, also blind, in eight seconds.

Any factor, both internal and external to the vehicle, contributes to its distraction, they warn from the Observatory of road concessionaire companies. Therefore, the cell phone and any other technology must be kept completely out of the driver’s reach.


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