The agency ensures that the Police attended a call, where several people from the Colonia San Jeronimo They reported a crime, for which the officer rushed out of the unit, leaving the vehicle with the keys in it, but witnesses say that only entered the bathroom of an OXXOsubject I do not hesitate to take a walk with the patrol!

In The Truth News We want to tell you that these types of acts are not isolated, since only in the Benito Juárez mayor’s office, several thefts of motorcycles and official vehicles have already been reported, which were designated to be used in a local security program.

We recently revealed to you that the Querétaro State Police launched 100 vacancies and offers more than 20,000 pesos in salary, but now we tell you that, despite how impressive the security elements may be, they are not exempt from being victims of robberies as happened to a patrol car in Mexico City.

Subject stole a patrol car and started a chase in CDMX

Man starts persecution by stealing a patrol car in CDMX. Photo:

The events took place in Periférico and Luis Cabrera avenue, when an officer got out of his unit, leaving it on and with the keys in it, to later “attend” to an emergency, a situation that did not go unnoticed by a subject who was hanging around the place. who was identified as Daniel, 37 years old.

Because no one was looking at him, he opened the door, got in the vehicle and went for a ride, it was until minutes later that the robbery was reported and the authorities began the search, which ended in a chase that ended in the streets. Álvaro Obregón and La Loma from the Barranca Seca neighborhood in the Magdalena Contreras mayor’s office.

It may interest you: Perverted woman is captured in Mississippi, she sexually abused her dog.

What functions does a police patrol have?

These vehicles’ main function is to act in pursuits and allow security elements to answer emergency calls, for which they use the lights from the turrets, indicating to drivers that they must give way, along with the sound of the siren. They are also equipped with accessories that officers use in case of accidents.

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