On December 13, investigators sought to trace the course of the night during which Delphine Jubillar disappeared from her home, without leaving a trace, leaving behind her two children.

On December 13, almost two years to the day after the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, her husband, Cédric, was brought to the family home in Cagnac-les-Mines, in the Tarn, for “transport to the scene”. For six hours, investigating judges, civil parties, defense lawyers, gendarmes from the Research Section in charge of the investigation or even witnesses took part in the operation aimed at retracing the course of the night which led to disappearance. BFMTV reveals this Thursday the stages of this evening.

Transport to the scene began at 8 p.m., focusing first on the positioning of Delphine Jubillar’s car in the driveway of her house. Several neighbors were heard again. They claim to have seen, on December 15, 2021 before 9:15 p.m., the nurse’s vehicle parked, hood up the driveway. Arrived at 4:51 that evening at the scene, the gendarmes found that the car was parked with the hood down.

Looking for a script

Facing the scene, the magistrates therefore ask Cédric Jubillar if he used his wife’s car during the evening. The man, indicted for the murder of his spouse since June 2021, answers in the negative. Yet, according to neighbors and Delphine Jubillar’s best friend, the nurse always parked with the hood up the driveway. If the car changed direction that night, it’s because Cédric Jubillar used it, they want to believe.

“She always parked up there when she came back from work and down when she came back from nursery,” he defends himself, according to information from BFMTV.

For Me Laurent Boguet, one of the couple’s children’s lawyers, “the statements of these witnesses appeared to us to be extremely authentic”. “It’s a scenario that is taking shape,” he told AFP.

During this staging, the testimony of the eldest of the couple Louis, 6 years old at the time of the facts, was also reread. In front of the investigators, the child had indicated that an argument had broken out between his parents the evening of the disappearance. A neighbor also claimed to have heard screams. As such, a sound engineer took part in the procedure: shrill cries were thus recreated from the kitchen terrace and the front of the couple’s home, by a woman playing the role of the missing during the operation.

“Screams of Terror”

The neighbor is positioned in front of her home and reacts: “I have the impression that the person was not located in the same place. It may be an impression. I can tell you that it was not cries like that. I’m trying to remember. The screams were shorter. They merged with the barking and the squealing. It was a mixture,” she said, according to information from BFMTV.

And to estimate that it was “cries of terror, not of pain.”

For Me Mourad Battikh, lawyer for relatives of Delphine Jubillar, the fact that, during the reenactment, these cries were “heard from 130 meters away without any difficulty” by the neighbor, demonstrates that her testimony “is all the more credible tonight,” he told AFP.

And to add: “The violent argument that broke out that evening (…) is corroborated from the inside by Louis, from the outside today, and we are sure of it, by the neighbor who heard cries of fright and (…) obviously corroborated by this pair of glasses” belonging to Delphine Jubillar and found broken inside the home.

The defendant still denies

Faced with these testimonies, Cédric Jubillar nevertheless remains stoic and insists, according to information from BFMTV: “We never argued that evening.” Regarding the broken glasses, he claims to have nothing to say about it. The magistrates persist: “You have nothing to say about the fact that they were found under the sofa?”

“They ended up underneath when they [les gendarmes, ndlr] pulled the sofa”, replies the respondent.

The questions continue: “When your wife disappeared, the glasses are in three pieces, don’t you worry about that?”. Answer: “No, because they were often like that”.

For lack of body, confession or irrefutable proof, many are those who preferred to speak upstream of a “scenario” rather than a “reconstruction”. Be that as it may, the investigators and the Toulouse prosecutor’s office now hope that the investigation of the Jubillar file can be completed and possibly lead to a trial.

The police-justice service


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